Monday, May 27, 2013

The Psychology of Damnation: A Study of the Mind of a Double Malice Reprobate of the Divine Word in Plain Reason


  1. A Lying Compassion
  2. A Malice Hypocrisy
  3. A Wicked Laughter
  4. A Pretended Peace
  5. A Thinking of Wrongdoing
  6. A Knowing-Malice

Chapter 1:

A Lying Compassion

            I want to make something clear: I am writing against a secret occult group that has permeated society in a secret fashion.  I have studied the group, and its power is Satanism.  They make it appear wholesome and worthwhile by being a group that grants “wishes” through Satan.  I believe because of this group the occult has invaded, not only the church, and especially false religion, but the home life.  I have seen this group at work, and they partake of the power of Satan, but present it as a glowing “pleasant” gift sent from God.  They speak of God, but the question is, what God?  I think it is the Antichrist whom they believe is God.  Such commitment is rooted in Satan’s mind in taking advantage of the depravity of man!  I have seen people open their hearts to it just to get what they want no matter the consequences.  They live in the now, and have no regard for the future.  The only regard for the future they have is: what can I get?  Satan knows man exalts himself, as even Satan did. 
            I think it is important apart from sensationalism to expose the mind of the enemy.  I have seen their false power at work, and I believe it needs to be brought to the light.  The only proper response to the enemy is no fellowship.  It is in this context that I write this work.  To this I now turn.
The Bible speaks quite clearly of Satan masquerading as an angel of light.  This will be the topic of our discussion.   The basis of the reprobate mind is believing and serving a lie.  The chief basis of the reprobate mind is founded upon the lie of antichrist.  It all centers on a wicked transformation.  The reprobate has the appearance of an angel of light, but the actual state of the heart is in utmost wickedness.  The basic understanding of malice wickedness is using goodness as the highest standard in appearance, while devilish wickedness is the motivation.  This is the case, not only with the Wicked One, but we the hosts of Antichrist.  Satan uses his highest method of a transforming delusion in all satanic power.  “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV).  We must remember that in dealing with the reprobate enemy, the lie is the highest objective.  If the lie is the highest objective, the truth is rejected for a lie.  Before the lie can be embraced, the truth must be known.  Therefore, the enemy knows is aware of the objective reality of the truth, but they malicely chose the wrong.  Upon what basis do they do this?   This view is the founded on the most detestable sin: pride. 
Pride knows what the truth is, but chooses to reject it.  It is a mental state of sin that Satan and the hosts of sin treasure, cherish, and wholly cling to.  This is the mark of Satan’s claim on their souls: he marks them with devilish pride to exalt his vainglory and the glory of sin. 
When we look at the Bible, we see the Lord Jesus Christ offering compassion to a providential people: “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36 KJV).  The Lord Jesus Christ did not lie about his compassion.  His compassion for the people was like a Great Shepherd who sought to give them rest.  God’s chosen people obtain rest for their souls when we find out rest on Him.  Assured peace flows like the river of life into the well-springs of the heart.  It is in the heart where the treasure of spiritual wealth blossoms into a radiant heart, waiting glory!  Christian compassion is not a compassion that is based on a lie.  We do not pretend to be compassionate when it is for a malice purpose.  So-called “compassion” for a malice purpose, is like calling the superlative brightness of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, a thousand midnights.  What they have done is this: they have mingled reckless sin with the Spirit-appointed compassion.  It is like mixing dung with gold, or fool’s gold with real gold. 
Reprobate compassion is based on hypocrisy in malice deceit.  The motive is to advance against the true Christian by a pretending-spirit.  They reason, what appeals more to the Christian?  Is it not the attributes of God? For the Word of God says: “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion” (Romans 9:15 KJV).  What does the Christian trust the most?  Is it not the Word of God?  And, doesn’t the Word of God teach God’s people to be compassionate?  “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous” (1 Peter 3:8 KJV).  “And of some have compassion, making a difference” (Jude 1:22 KJV). 
The first basis of the enemy is to acknowledge that the Bible is true.  If Satan knows the truth is whole ministry of condemnation, is to suppress it, and make sure it does not advance.  In his mind, he not only puts some truth in every lie, but he uses the truth as a weapon for wickedness.  In other words, the reprobate enemy takes the truth of God’s Word, and uses it for an evil purpose.  I have seen the instruments of wickedness use compassion with a lying malice.  The purpose was to advance against me, and triumph over me.  If compassion is our greatest strength, then it is our greatest weakness (as the mind of the reprobate reasons).  It is surely damnable act and submission: to submit to acts of condemnation makes the heart bound more and more to corruption in all spiritual darkness. 
I think the predator against children do this very thing.  As instruments of wickedness, they put on a show of pretended innocence, to capture the interest and trust of the child.  I had this happen to me at a public grammar school, but by God’s providential hand, Satan did not avail.  But it is used in worse sophistication with Satan, because he uses it against all ages of the sons of men.  The hosts of wickedness will use a condemnable method while they appear angels!  This kind of reprobative mind brings the highest degree of judgment.  It is this mind that was in Judas when he healed: Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:1-12 KJV).  Judas was a deceitful apostle, who did not truly love the Lord, but had a spirit who held onto doing evil that good may come:  And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just” (Romans 3:8 KJV). 
When reprobates use a lying compassion it is not only in the spirit of a lying-act of Satan but according to the mind and intentions of Judas.  Is it morally wrong to embrace a lying compassion?  Truly, it is!  With the reprobate the wrong is elevated to the highest pursuit, and deceitfully claimed to be the highest good, but in self-awareness, they love to know that it is the highest evil.  If the highest evil is seen as the greatest cause, the evil will be embraced; however, it is done with a wicked willingness of heart that prides itself on a supreme deceit.  This supreme deceit is the pride of Satan in all mischievous darkness.  The ultimate purpose of it is toe avail the pride of Satan in all dark deception.  This dark deception rests itself upon a devote motivation to counter the world for a reckless abandonment to all spiritual evil.  The moral question is known, and yet, rejected in heart, but sustained by appearance only.  To them to admire goodness is an abominable sin with all twisted evil.  Sin is seen, not as an offense against a Holy God, but an offense against their pride, that fuels their lying compassion in all premeditated forethought. 
Sin is a lack of conformity to the holy law of God, and it is God’s law that is the highest standard.  To them, however, this is known, but the highest standard for them, is their own depraved heart.  This is why the Ten Commandments are super-important, because without men live in reckless rebellion and all heinousness is exalted.  Excuses too set the Law of God aside is done with a lying-passion, and the submission to the “law” of wickedness is highly esteemed in all self-destruction.  Human beings are made in the image of God, and to desecrate and destroy it, is a primary principle of wickedness.  It is “compassionate” to seen “compassionate” when they are not, and it is thought with much esteem to embrace satanic lies under the fear of wicked men, and the lying Deceiver.  And, if the rebel for Christ stands up to the satanic rebellion, it is a method of lies used to undertake their spiritual criminality in all lying-mischief.  Pride fuels the deceit mischief, and lies abound outside the holy city of Jerusalem. 
If pride fuels compassion, it is a deceitful compassion, not pleasing and honoring to God.  The ultimate question is: is what I do pleasing and honoring to God?  This is where the reprobate enemy fails in everyway.  If something is not pleasing and honoring to God, it has worthless, spiritual value.  No availing ways of sin advance against a Holy God, because sin is either punished on the Lord Jesus Christ at the Cross, or sin is punished in eternal hell.  Therefore, there are only two places where sin is punished.  And, if the enemy is the enemy, their sin is awaiting punishment in hell.  Hell is a place where non-spiritual alive people go.  It is a place of outer darkness, and should spark in us a sense of renewed devotion to the Holy Triune King.  God created hell to humble the pride of man, and exalt His justice.  But the enemy in one sense loves hell in all dark self-destructive ways, but he also hates it with the highest spiritual mischief. 
The reprobates love to entertain views that are unorthodox.  The creator of it is the Murderous One, and they love to entertain lies.  For what purpose?  To obtain a malice comfort in the work of Satan.  This so-called “comfort” is based on a cruel deceit that only the hosts of sin could embrace.  God’s people repent of remaining corruption, but the hosts of sin, bath in the depths of eternal judgment, and in a tub of self-cruelty, that makes them laugh with abounding spiritual terror of the coming doom upon them, and the real retribution of God the Holy Trinity. 
God the Holy Trinity does not have a lying-compassion.  His redemptive compassion is for the people of God in Christ.  God’s compassion is a pure, sinless, light-filled compassion.  When the spiritual enemy, pretends to be good in a lying-compassion, it is way for Satan to mock God.  It is also a way for Satan and the hosts of sin to rebel in all cruelty, and it is a cosmic offense against a Holy God.  The enemy knows of a true judgment from God, but they like to pretend it is not coming, or even argue it is unjust.  They will use the words “unjust” no matter how contradictory it is, because it’s not about sound reason but a corruption that is mingled with everything good and sacred and holy.  Plain reason is not the best subject of the enemy because it is abandoned with bitter cruelty in all craftiness and trickery.  Their kind of “relativism” is meant to suit each person in the pursuit and advancement of acquiring their souls.  It is actually a copout because it intentionally masks the truth, and entertain (a most childish understanding) of embracing whatever it is to suit man’s corrupt heart.  They will entertain any notion, as along as it, conforms to their ultimate objective in wicked craftiness in all spiritual sin.  The ultimate objective is to make a person the hardest person to save by alluring them into a state of serious cosmic treason in ways that bait their appetite. 
Their so-called “compassion” was used against me in many ways to advance the ways of Satan against God.  What are some steps to conquer these methods of Satan?  We first must have a discerning mind, and not submit to what the enemy says.  We should mark the ways of the enemy in terms of their past history and how they conduct their lives.  Satan uses “pleasant” methods that deceive the minds of men.  We must learn from The Lord of the Rings concerning those who took the rings without question.  We must notice that no matters how their voices and mannerisms are, there is a malice forethought to damn souls.  They will seek to use Balaam’s way of wrongdoing as a means to advance, and even cover it up to deceive.  I have seen the enemy speak with so-called “warmth” but they are no better then a mere actor who has no spiritual wealth in his soul but who is devoid of pure spirituality.  Beware, therefore, of this “compassion.”

Chapter 2:

A Malice Hypocrisy

Malice hypocrisy covers all grounds of the corrupt mission of the reprobative enemy.  The enemy would even do this: they would pretend to be interested in conversion yet do so with corrupt motives to destroy the Gospel-preaching church.  I have seen this happen over and over again when I deal with the reprobate. 

If we are Christians, we are not of this world—we belong to the kingdom of heaven. It is very easy for us, being in the world, to become of it—to let our lives grow like the world. But this is not the way to make ourselves a living sacrifice to God. "It is not conformity that we need," says Bushnell; "it is not being able to beat the world in its own way; but it is to stand apart and above it, and to produce the impression of a holy and separate life. This alone is safety and success." (J.R. Miller, Counsel and Help, 1907).

When Paul converted to the Christian faith he was greatly doubted by the Christian church because of his past super-abuses, but Barnabas gave him the right-hand of fellowship.  And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem” (Acts 9:26-28 KJV). 
This real fear of invaders is a genuine part of the Christian life.  “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV). Though Paul was not a pretender many would come to us in deceit to destroy the Reformed church.  That might even argue that they should be accepted like Paul was eventually accepted.  The purpose is in the spirit of malice hypocrisy.  We must remember that even Satan used the Holy Scriptures to wickedly-tempt Christ.  The Divine Word can be used to further the wicked schemes of the reprobate enemy.  “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4 KJV).  “And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Galatians 2:4 KJV). 
We must remember as Christians to, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23 KJV).  We must remember the outline of abstaining from malice hypocrisy under Keeping the Heart by John Flavel:

1. Every appearance of hypocrisy does not prove the person who manifests it, to be a hypocrite. You should carefully distinguish between the appearance and the predominance of hypocrisy. There are remains of deceitfulness in the best hearts; this was exemplified in David and Peter—but the prevailing frame of their hearts being upright, they were not denominated hypocrites for their conduct.

2. We ought to regard what can be said in our favor, as well as what may be said against us. It is the sin of upright people sometimes, to exercise an unreasonable severity against themselves. They do not impartially consider the state of their souls. To make their state appear better than it really is, indeed is the damning sin of self-flattering hypocrites; and to make their state appear worse than it really is, is the sin and folly of some good people. But why should you be such an enemy to your own peace? Why read over the evidences of God's love to your soul, as a man does a book which he intends to confute? Why do you study evasions, and turn off those comforts which are due to you?

3. Everything which may be an occasion of grief to the people of God, is not a sufficient ground for their questioning the reality of their religion. Many things may trouble you—which ought not to stumble you. If upon every occasion you should call in question all that had ever been wrought upon you, your life would be made up of doubting and fears, and you could never attain that settled inward peace, and live that life of praise and thankfulness which the Gospel requires.

4. The soul is not at all times in a suitable state to pass a right judgment upon itself. It is peculiarly unqualified for this in the labor of desertion or temptation. Such seasons must be improved rather for watching and resisting, than for judging and determining.

5. Whatever be the ground of one's distress, it should drive him to, not from God. Suppose you have sinned thus and so, or that you have been thus long and sadly deserted—yet you have no right to infer that you ought to be discouraged, as if there was no help for you in God.

These are sounds principles of holiness and plain reason on the state of the soul about hypocrisy.  Though these truths remain, the enemy would even use it to destroy us, by pretended imitation of the ways of Satan.  Let us never forget the tactics of Balaam.  Balaam knew the right way of Israel but he committed spiritual adultery:  “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet” (2 Peter 2:14-16 KJV).   
Gaining through error is the twisted teaching of Balaam and the damned: “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core” (Jude 1:11 KJV).  Balaam knew his way was wrong, because it transgressed against God’s holy law, and got the children to commit fornication so God would judge them.  Satan often works by causing sin in God’s people (like David’s census), to acquire judgment upon His people.  When this is done God is in control, but also the people need to learn personal responsibility apart from submission to reckless sin:  “But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication” (Revelation 2:14 KJV). 
            We must remember the malice hypocrisy here:  “Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD” (Numbers 31:16 KJV).  Balaam spoke to His face to destroy His people: “Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee” (Deuteronomy 23:5 KJV).  God does not allow Satan to have victory over His people.  We have a promise of victory over Satan, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 KJV). 
            The enemy, like their spiritual father, Balaam, works to curse and doom the people of God.  The enemy fails to realize that although they use sin to acquire judgment, it is not sin who is the final decider of one’s eternal destiny, but God’s personal choice.  The enemy fails to conquer God’s choice to save His people unto eternal life.  It is no different in these times that we live in; however, the evil has gotten worse, because that is the nature of sin.  They use truth like wild beasts seeks after its prey.  As Paul says of the offspring of Balaam, “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die” (1 Corinthians 15:32 KJV). 
But the spiritual insanity that is in Balaam is also in the wild beasts of the Christian church.  The enemy sees what advantages it can take on the truth of God.  They recognize what the truth is, and then they scheme to dishonor God and man, by their wicked scheme.  The scheme, like in Balaam’s case, is to ruin the people of God.  Upon what basis?  It is a heart sold out to the occult in all spiritual fraud and contempt for God and His ways.  There is no true basis for this thinking, but a farfetched understanding rooted in spiritual corruption.  When the heart is sold out to reckless spiritual corruption, the end result is a manifestation in their lives of malice hypocrisy. 
            It was malice hypocrisy when Saul sought a medium (as it was forbidden) (1 Samuel 28:7) and when Saul lied about being Saul to search the hidden things of God (1 Samuel 28:8), and Saul assured the medium of God’s protection as he sought dishonorable means to acquire information (1 Samuel 28:10).  It was malice hypocrisy when Judas dipped his bread in the dish to betray Jesus to His face (Matthew 26:23; Mark 14:20), and when he gave back the pieces of silver (Matthew 27:1-4).  It was malice hypocrisy that elevated Diotrephes as the sole leader of the Church (3 John 1:9-10), and when Alexander the coppersmith did Paul much evil (2 Timothy 4:14).  And it is malice hypocrisy when reprobates have worshipped the creature rather then the Creator (Romans 1), and that will drive the Antichrist to claim he is above God (2 Thessalonians 2), knowing it is a lie. 

Chapter 3:

A Wicked Laughter

            The Bible is about truth and righteousness.  And even our laughter should be sanctified with holiness.  The Bible speaks about doing the right thing, and abstaining from any sort of evil.  But the laughter that I have encountered is a laughter born in malice evil, and sustained by corrupt motives.  It is an evil that has its basis on the darkness of wickedness, and it is for evil purposes.  When harmed is done by the enemy, or trail is undertaken by the Christian, it is in the spirit of cruelty that laughter comes about.  It is an attempt by Satan to overturn what is holy to what is unholy, unrighteous, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, and untrue.  
            I have seen Satan grin at secret trails that I have faced.  He only does it when the cruelty level is above normal and in super-pain.  I have seen the reprobate enemy laugh at the cruelest things.  It is all based on a crafty-trickery; a malice-deception, and a secret laughter that only Satan employs.  The enemies’ objective is to overtake the Christian by his subjective feelings, and to override them with it to obscure the truth.  The truth is not important but the elevation of cruelty is what is striking introduced.  But the enemy loves to ride on the troubles of others in a wicked laughter that provokes God Himself.  They thrive on wicked cruelty to make precedence for laughing at the troubles of others.  They love the verse in the Bible that speaks to, the absence of trouble, regarding the reprobate.  They love their position of damnation, but if they could get to heaven (it would only be through vileness and elusive trickery) they would.  They love the short cuts in anything, and they know the tricks to avail them pleasure. 
            Pleasure is something the Bible speaks about.  It is about the context of pleasure.  The question is: what is the context of biblical pleasure?  It is not based on something unlawful but it is based on something lawful.  Pleasures are grasped at the right hand of God the Father.  And, it is pleasurable to obey His law in the Ten Commandments.  It should be our delight.  But the pleasures of Satan led to damnation, but the joy of eternal life is grounded in Christ the King.  Since man is a sinner, there are two kinds of pleasure: wicked and lawful pleasure.  The reprobate enemy loves wicked pleasure. 
There was a question in abnormal psychology class.  Suppose there is a man who gets messages from God.  The question is: is a danger to himself and others?  The question is: how far does he take it?  So the question can be asked: Does the wicked pleasure lead to the harm of others?  If it leads to harmful things, it means it is dangerous, and attention needs to be given to it.  When I refer to wicked pleasure, I do not mean a special super-deluxe candy of some kind, but a pleasure that is opposed to what is right in the sight of God.  We know what is right in the sight of God by the law of God.  The law of God is a guide against evil. 
We must consider this important note: the Lord Jesus Christ never unjustly harmed anyone.  We ought to take His example of spreading goodness like there is air.  We ought to do good to our neighbor, even when he is an enemy.  But the enemy causes super-harm based on his satanic philosophy.  Therefore, we must pray that there sin is restrained in God’s appointed means.  Sin is what causes harm, and it is a spreading cancer that will eat up the body, and so, too, spiritual cancer eats up the soul.  It affects one’s speech; one’s actions; one’s whole being.  Our parents before the Fall, thought clearly and logically, but after the Fall, sin pervaded their consciousness, and obstructed their thinking.  If sin obstructs thinking, it will badly affect the heart, and the tongue that is set on fire by hell. 
Sin is an offense against God the Judge.  Just judges will not unjustly acquit a guilty murderer.  If a guilty murderer is set free, it is repugnant to the public, the Church and to God.  In the same way, if God lets a guilty man go without punishment it would be an injustice.  However, there is no injustice with God because He judges perfectly.  Sin was placed on the Lord Jesus Christ as Redeemer to take away the sin of all of the elect.  God the Father, therefore, can accept guilty sinner who have Jesus as their Substitute.  The wrath due to sin was placed on the Divine Lamb to take away our sin, and appease the Holy Father’s just wrath.  It is the only way a guilty sinner can stand before God the Father.  Guilty sinners, who do not have Christ as their Substitute, but reject Him willfully, will stand before God the Son on the Day of Judgment. 
What awaits the satanic laughter?  It is the judgment of God the Holy Trinity.  The reprobates also want people to partake of their own cruel-laughter to conform them to the image of Satan.  I have seen people say that all the sons and daughters of men will enter the pearly gates.   This is flawed in many areas, but basic questions refute it.  Does God accept Pharaoh whom He hardened, and who completely hates the God of Moses?  Why didn’t Elijah have fellowship with the worshippers of Baal?  If all go to heaven, why did the apostle Peter say that Judas went to his own place?  The context regarding “his own place” refers to eternal hell.  Moreover, on the Last Day Jesus shall say to the goat-enemy, “Depart from Me.”  Can there be anything more understandable?  The laughter of the wicked has the judgment of God as its target. 
We read in the Divine Word that God has laughter.  It is a better laughter then that of the enemy.   God’s laughter is based on righteous-truth and in all spiritual sanity, but the enemy has laughter that is rooted in spiritual insanity.  God’s laughter will counter the laughter of the wicked.  But the “happiness” of the wicked is his misery in self-destruction (and if happiness unjustly harms, how can it be true happiness?), but the happiness of the elect is his obedience to God’s will in His law.  There is a biblical laughter of the elect (Psalm 52:5-7) that also counters the laughter of the reprobative enemy (Psalm 22:8).  “The LORD shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming” (Psalm 37:13 KJV).  This will silence the reprobate enemy by the blessed laughter of God.
The Lord’s laughter against wicked people: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.  Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure” (Psalm 2:2-5 KJV). 
T.L. Cuyler wrote:

Now these three texts unite in giving us a double truth for discussion. First, that Christian recreations are right, proper, commendable, and beneficial—but that sinful pleasures are dangerous to the body and damning to the soul. Let us enlarge upon this proposition, beginning with the first truth that Christian recreations are right the world over. We have already seen that God's word does not forbid rightful enjoyments. This book is not a teacher of Popish penances, it was not written by monks, or to turn the world into a stupendous convent. The religion of the Bible is radiant with the light and the joys of heaven; there is a world of sun-shine in God's book. O troubled heart! the spirit that book inspires is never a gloomy one, nor morose. It is a libel on our holy faith to represent it as productive in itself of melancholy, or denying men any really innocent pleasures. It is not against innocent enjoyments, but sinful ones, that God makes his protest.

The wicked laugh on in material wealth, lascivious behavior, and “being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:29-32 NKJV). 

1. Every recreation which makes me stronger in body, happier in mind, and purer in heart, is beneficial.

2. Every amusement which is not an excitement, but the means of healthful recreation and improvement, is allowable for a Christian. I stand upon my Christian right in reference to them all—a healthy conscience enlightened of God, is to be the best judge.

3. No Christian should ever take part in any entertainments from which he cannot conscientiously turn to his Bible and his closet.

4. No Christian should frequent any place which Jesus Christ would forbid if he were personally on earth; nor should he be seen in places so questionable that irreligious people would be startled in finding him there. "Abstain," my friends, "from all appearance of evil."

5. Let me remind you of the best rule of all—God's rule. Here it is, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do," in work or pleasure, "do all to the, glory of God." Then, when all your activities are in full play for God, and your brain at work in blessed schemes for studying and honoring him, your hands occupied in leading men in paths of purity and truth, your whole self happy in your work, your principles, your recreations—that is life, oh! That is life! (T. L. Cuyler, October 24, 1858, New York, Christian Recreation and Unchristian Amusement).
Chapter 4:

A Pretended Peace

William S. Plumer author of a Vital Godliness wrote about peace:

Peace is the opposite of war, persecution, temptation, condemnation, alarm, tumult, strife, contention, controversy, quarreling. In the Scriptures, the word peace relates to several different things. By nature we are all enemies to God, and by wicked works we evince and strengthen our aversion to God and holiness. But "being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1. By this peace with God we are freed from condemnation. We are no longer hostile to God, nor he to us. We no more contend with the Almighty, nor he with us. Christ is our Surety, our Sacrifice, our Peace. "Thorns grow everywhere, and from all things below; and from a soul transplanted out of itself—into the root of Jesse, peace grows everywhere too from Him who is called our Peace, and whom we still find the more to be so the more entirely we live in him, being dead to the world and self and all things besides him."

The repose of the soul in its God and Savior is wonderful. "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you; because he trusts in you." Isa. 26:3. This "peace of God passes all understanding." Phil. 4 7. In its basis and in its effects no mortal has adequate conceptions of its richness as a blessing from God. "When he gives quietness, who then can make trouble?" said Job, chapter 34:29. And Jesus Christ himself said, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don't let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful." John 14:27. Nothing can finally destroy this peace. "Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, yes rather, who was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us." Romans 8:34.

Again he wrote:

We are not at liberty to forsake God or deny his truth, in order to promote peace. On the contrary, we must obey God rather than man. We must contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. We must never make shipwreck of faith. We must never part with a good conscience. "Buy the truth, and sell it not"—sell it not even for peace. The world asks too dear a price for its smiles or its favor—when it asks us to renounce our beliefs, or purity of mind.

Thomas Watson author of Body of Divinity: The Application of Redemption (Continued) wrote:

What are the signs of a false peace?

(1.) A false peace has much confidence in it—but this confidence is a false hope. The sinner does not doubt of God's mercy; and from this presumptuous confidence arises some kind of quiet in the mind. The same word in the Hebrew, cassal, signifies both confidence and folly. Indeed a sinner's confidence is folly. How confident were the foolish virgins!

(2.) False peace separates those things which God has joined together. God joins holiness and peace—but he who has a false peace, separates the two. He lays claim to peace—but banishes holiness. "I shall have peace, even though I am walking in my own stubborn way." The wicked are loose and vain, and yet thank God that they have peace; what a delusion! You may as well suck health out of poison—as peace out of sin!

(3.) False peace is not willing to be tried. It is a sign they are bad wares—which will not endure the light. It is a sign a man has stolen goods—when he will not have his house searched. A false peace cannot endure to be tried by the word. The word speaks of a humbling and refining work upon the soul, before peace; but false peace cannot endure to hear of this. The least trouble will shake this peace; it will end in despair. In a false peace, conscience is asleep; but when this lion of conscience shall be awakened at death, it will roar upon a man; he will be a terror to himself, and be ready to lay violent hands upon himself.

How shall we know that ours is a true peace?
(1.) True peace flows from union with Christ. The branch must first be ingrafted into the tree, before it can receive sap or nourishment from it. Just so, we must first be ingrafted into Christ, before we can receive peace from him. Have we faith? By holiness we are made like Christ; by believing we are made one with Christ, and being in Christ we have peace. John 16:33.

(2.) True peace flows from subjection to Christ. Where Christ gives peace, there he sets up his government in the heart. "Of his government and peace, there shall be no end." Christ is called "a priest upon his throne." Christ as a priest makes peace; but he will be a priest upon his throne—he brings the heart in subjection to him. If Christ is our peace in salvation, he is our prince to rule us! Isa 9:6. Whenever Christ pacifies the conscience, he subdues the lust!

(3.) True peace is after trouble. First, God lets loose a spirit of bondage, he convinces and humbles the soul; then he speaks peace. Many say they have peace—but is this peace before a storm, or after it? True peace is after trouble. First there was the earthquake, and then the fire, and then the still small voice. I Kings 19:12. You who never had any legal bruisings, may suspect your peace. God pours the golden oil of peace, into broken hearts.

The pretended peace of the reprobate enemy is striking because it elevates a pretender’s spirit over against the actuality of peace.  The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed peace to His followers: peace be with you.  The enemy has a peace that does not amend their sin by repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but there peace is grounded in falsehood.  Falsehood is a primary flaw in having a peace that is devoid of the Holy Spirit.  I speak of a spiritual peace.  There is a peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ by His all-atoning offering to God the Father.  There is a peace that surpasses all understanding.  It is due to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Martin Luther spoke of peace in his deputation 92, Away, then, with all those prophets who say to the people of Christ, "Peace, peace," and there is no peace!  And, 95. And thus be confident of entering into heaven rather through many tribulations, than through the assurance of peace.  The pretended peace of the enemy is not faith in the Holy God of Holy Scripture but it is a peace in material wealth, and it is born of the flesh, where no good thing dwells. 
            When I was unconverted, I did not have peace.  I had comfort in sin but it was a deception to think it was born of God.  But the reprobate enemy knows of the peace of God, but rejects it on the “basis” of devotion to a false, satanic power.  This false power is the sum of their pleasure, and peace and comfort is mistaken for pleasure. 
            Peace born out of sin is no peace at all.  Peace grounded on the Lord Jesus Christ is true peace.  Many go about their lives and consider themselves, having a certain peace, but it is born the boundaries of a comfort born out of the flesh, that is devoid of the Holy Spirit.  Peace devoid of the Holy Spirit (that is mistaken for the true peace of God) will badly affect the soul.  It makes the soul continue in an unconverted state, unaware of the reality of God’s wrath.  If God is just, He must have a divine wrath, because if He let sin go unpunished, it would necessity a crime against God.  Sinners need to be troubled about their sin.  This can only happen by God the Holy Spirit and the matchless Word of life.  Peace is not of this world but it is of the heavenly city, where all have perfect peace.  The enemy loves to live in a state of a pretended peace.  It continues on the life of sin, and makes one blind to the spiritual truth of true peace. 
Peace is not found in penance, nor the bones of saints, nor in the pains of purgatory, but true peace is found in the immersion of God’s Word by the power of the Spirit of power.  True peace is grounded on Jesus and none other.  The reprobate loves the peace of granting one’s life-dream through Satan, and this blinds the soul to the spiritual realities of the Divine Word.  The Word is a lamp unto our feet, a heavenly soil where truth is seen in the manifestation of a beautiful flower that gives off a sacred aroma.  But the life of a sinner, who has false peace, is a life that is foreign to the Holy Bible. 
Peace is not found in compromise, nor is it found in getting what one wants.  Peace is found in following the will of God: here is real happiness devoid of deceit.  We dare not continue with a false peace.  Righteousness is the key to all things, and peace must have it as its foundation.  Satan offers a false peace in losing one’s soul for the sake of the world.  This is the peace that damns a sinner; this is the peace that blinds a sinner in seeing His desperate need for a Divine Redeemer; this is the peace that does whatsoever it can unto evil to obtain their life’s dream; this is the peace that gives false comfort; this is the peace that binds the heart to Satan in a deeper connection being held captive to His will; this is the peace that will not stand before a holy God; this is the peace that uses trickery to obtain heavenly riches, but where no spiritual life is obtained, and only rejection awaits the sinner who an “almost” peace.  
I have seen people chose the wrong way because of a comforting-peace.  They are content with having a sin-dominating life no matter what happens to them.   The thinking does not venture into what is best for me? but what is best to satisfy the need to obtain ungodly riches.  Sin is elevated as the supreme God in the heart of the reprobate.  It is the sin-God who is worshipped in their hearts, and is it anything strange to us, that Satan is wholly bound to sin?  It is the lust for material wealth over against the true need for true God-appointed religion.  False religion is as dangerous as a nuclear weapon, because it spreads like a wild fire.  We need the peace of God in Christ Jesus the King to live a life of true comfort and peace.  If a so-called “true peace” gives you a deeper seat in the depths of hell, it cannot be a true peace.  All experiences should be validated by the Word of God, and we ought to use discernment to understand peace.  We dare not entertain a false peace.  We will be judged on what peace we adopted and how we shared it with others.
True peace is not found in the Quran, but in the Bible alone; true peace is not found in soul-giving to Satan, but waiting on God the Holy Trinity at His timing; true peace is not found in formalism, but it is found in heart-Gospel-living; true peace is not found in idolatry, where the creature is elevated above the Creator, but in the sweetness of worshipping the true Triune King; true peace is not found in reincarnation, but in the resurrection of Christ. 

Chapter 5:

A Thinking of Wrongdoing

The thinking of the reprobate enemy is to commit wrongdoing (at any cost) to avail their desire.  For them, it’s all about doing the wrong to get the “right.”  Or, it’s about doing evil that good may come.  It is about selfishness, pride, arrogance, contempt for lawful ways, an impure devotion to sin; a commitment to vileness in anyway to achieve their “happiness” no matter who stands in their way.  The ultimate desire of the reprobate is their chief concern.  It could be the most vile thing on earth, and yet, they will endorse it.  If we think about, wasn’t Hitler the same way?  He devoted himself to occultism and made a covenant with Satan.  Under the “philosophy” of Satan, anything goes to destroy a freedom-loving democracy.  September 11 was an example of that, because the enemy commits themselves to utter wickedness to avail their trickery, craftiness and malice darkness.  Thomas Brooks author A Cabinet of Choice Jewels in 1669 wrote:

"That sin might become utterly sinful." Romans 7:13

Paul, to set forth the formidable evil that is in sin, expresses it thus. He could find nothing more evil and odious to express sin by—than itself. Sin is so great an evil, that it cannot have a worse epithet given it. Paul can call it no worse than by its own name—sinful sin. Had he said that sin was a snare, a serpent, a viper, a toad, a plague, a devil, a hell, etc.—he would have said much—but yet not enough to set forth the transcendent evil which is in sin. Therefore he calls it sinful sin.
All other evils are but outward, they only reach the name, the body, the estate, the life but sin is an inward evil, a spiritual evil, an evil that reaches the precious and immortal soul—and therefore is the greatest evil.

Death puts an end to all other troubles; namely, poverty, sickness, disgrace, scorn, contempt, afflictions, losses, etc. But sin is so great an evil, that death itself cannot put an end to it! Eternity itself shall never put a stop, an end—to this evil of evils!

All other evils can never make a man the object of God's wrath and hatred. A man may be poor—and yet precious in the eyes of God; he may be greatly abhorred by the world—and yet highly honored by God; he may be debased by men—and yet exalted by God. But sin is so great an evil, that it subjects the sinner's soul to the wrath and hatred of God!

All other evils do but strike at a man's present well-being—but sin strikes at a man's eternal well-being! All otherevils can never hinder a man's communion with God. A man may have communion with God in poverty, in sickness, in prison, in banishment. But sin is so great an evil, that it interrupts communion with God, it cuts off communion with

All outward evils are God's creatures: "Is there any evil in the city—which the Lord has not done?" But sin is the devil's brat—it is a creature of his own begetting! Yes, sin is worse than the devil! It is that which has turned glorious angels
into infernal devils!

All other evils do not fight against the greatest good—but sin is that grand evil that fights against the greatest good. Sin fights against the being of God, the essence of God, the glory of God. Sin is a killing of God—it is a murdering of God.

Sin is a universal evil, it is all evil, it is nothing but evil; there is not one drop, one spark of good to be found in any sin. In all outward evils there is some good; there is some good in poverty, in sickness, in war, in death—but there is not the least good in sin.
Sin is the sole object of God's hatred!

He hates nothing but sin!

He is angry with nothing but sin!

He has forbid nothing but sin!

He has revealed his wrath against nothing but sin! So great an evil is sin!

Sin is that grand evil which has midwifed all other evils into the world. It was sin which drowned the old world with water. It was sin which destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone.

It was sin which laid Jerusalem in heaps. It was sin which has midwifed sword, famine, and pestilence into the world. It was sin which laid the foundation of hell—for before sin there was no hell.

It was sin which crucified the Lord of glory!

Now, oh how great must that evil be—which has ushered in all these great evils into the world!

Sin is enmity against God. God has no enemy in the world but sin, and those whom sin has made enemies. Sin has set all the world against the Lord of glory. It is sin which has turned men into incarnate devils, and which has drawn them out to fight against God, and Christ, and their own souls, and their everlasting peace.

A Christian looks upon sin as the greatest evil in the world, and his heart rises and is enraged against it, because of the vile, filthy, odious, and heinous nature of it!

Their teaching of wrongdoing is from the wicked “tradition” of Balaam.  It does not matter if it’s even a Christian job they want, he will use Satan to get it.  They view Satan as the dream-giver, who can grant whatsoever he wants, and it’s a living abomination, where the whorebeasts gather to take part in all spiritual adultery, fraud and covetousness.  This teaching is a like a mighty wave that overtakes the soul for reckless wickedness.  The ultimate goal is to avail the highest wickedness in bondage to Satan and his methods.  All spiritual filth is sought like a true Christian seeks holiness.  It is the highest spiritual crime to advocate Satanic “gifts” when it is clearly known that the Holy God is the only one to lawfully grant gifts to His children.  Horatius Bonar wrote, The world is blind, and knows it not; poor, and thinks itself rich; foolish, and thinks itself wise. It is not aware of the extent of its ruin, alienation, and depravity.  It is not alive to its danger, its hopeless prospects; nor its doom.”
J. C. Ryle in 1890 wrote:
It is my firm conviction, that a right knowledge of sin lies at the root of all saving religion. The first thing that God does when He makes man a new creature in Christ—is to send light into his heart, and show him that he is a guilty sinner.

I have an equally firm conviction, that a low and imperfect view of sin—is the origin of most of the errors, heresies, and false doctrines of the present day. If a man does not realize the extent and dangerous nature of his soul's disease—you cannot wonder if he is content with false or imperfect remedies. I believe that one of the chief needs of the Church, is for clearer and fuller teaching about sin.

Sin is the corruption of the nature of every man. Therefore, every person born into the world, deserves God's wrath and damnation! Once let a man see his sin, and he must see his Savior—in order to obtain rest for his soul. He feels stricken with a deadly disease—and nothing will satisfy him but the Great Physician. He hungers and thirsts—and he must have nothing less than the Bread of Life.

Sin, in short, is that vast moral disease which affects the whole human race—of every rank and class and name and nation and people and tongue! Sin is the plague of nations, the divider of churches, the destroyer of family happiness, the cause of all the miseries in the world!

It is my thorough conviction, that the extent and vileness and deceitfulness of sin—are a subject which is not sufficiently brought forward in the religious teaching of these days. It is not pressed on congregations in its Scriptural proportion. The consequences are very serious!

We may depend upon it—men will never truly come to Christ, and stay with Christ, and live for Christ—unless they feel their sins, and know their need of a Savior. Those whom the Holy Spirit draws to Christ—are those whom the Spirit has convinced of sin. Without real conviction of sin, men may seem to come to Christ and follow Him for a season—but they will soon fall away and return to the world. The words of one are most deeply true, "The consciousness of sin is the true pathway to heaven."

“The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death” (Proverbs 14:32 KJV).  The heart is planted in sin and held under its power at conception, and through life, until sovereign regeneration changes the heart of man into a saint that truly love holiness, and hates what is truly sinful, to avail the purpose of the Almighty King.  Those who are under the power of sin over their lives; will suffer eternal doom if they are not given what only the Divine Spirit could give: eternal life. 
It is spiritually unlawful to submit to the Prince of Darkness because this is not his world but God’s world.  It is not him who is king, but the Living Jesus who is King.  It is him who is supreme in the hearts of God’s people, but God Himself.  It is not him who is faithful and true, but the divine Son of Man who lives to make intercession to the uttermost.  It is not him who keeps his promise unto holiness, but the Divine Lamb and Lion who has assured victory over the hosts of sin!  Wrongdoing is absent from the character of God, but is it an ever present danger in the methods of Satan.  Even when Satan comes bearing so-called “good things” it is only by appearance, and not in actuality.  The first commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods besides Me”—covers the reckless sin of summoning Satan, and getting from him.  Live in the purity of righteousness devoid of satanic rebellion.  This godly thinking could save a nation!  Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) author of Heart Work wrote:
1. To "keep" the heart means striving to shut out from it, all that is opposed to God." "Dear children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). God is a jealous God and will brook no rival; He claims the throne of our hearts, and requires to be loved by us supremely. When, then, we perceive our affections being inordinately drawn out unto any earthly object, we are to fight against it, and "resist the Devil."
When Paul said, "All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any" (1 Cor. 6:12), he signifies that he was keeping his heart diligently, that he was jealous lest things should gain that esteem and place in his soul which was due alone unto the Lord. A very small object placed immediately before the eye is sufficient to shut out the light of the sun, and trifling things taken up by the affections may soon sever communion with the Holy One.
Before regeneration our hearts were deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9): that was because the evil principle, the "flesh," had complete dominion over them. But inasmuch as "the flesh" remains in us after conversion, and is constantly striving for the mastery over "the spirit," the Christian needs to exercise a constant watchful jealously over his heart, mindful of its readiness to be imposed upon, and its proneness unto a compliance with temptations. All the avenues to the heart need to be carefully guarded so that nothing hurtful enters therein, particularly against vain thoughts and imaginations, and especially in those seasons when they are most apt to gain an advantage. For if injurious thoughts are allowed to gain an inroad into the mind, if we accustom ourselves to give them entertainment, then in vain shall we hope to be "spiritually minded" (Romans 8:6). All such thoughts are only making provision to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
Thus, for the Christian to "keep" his heart with all diligence, means for him to pay close attention to the direction in which his affections are moving, to discover whether the things of the world are gaining a firmer and fuller hold over him, or whether they are increasingly losing their charm for him. God has exhorted us, "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col. 3:2), and the heeding of this injunction calls for constant examination of the heart to discover whether or not it is becoming more and more dead unto this deceitful and perishing world, and whether heavenly things are those in which we find our chief and greatest delight. "Take heed to yourself, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart" (Deut. 4:9).
            We must live in holiness to glorify our Heavenly Father through His Only Beloved Son by His Glorious Spirit.  Balaam sacrificed to God with burnt offerings, and yet he did not believe the true things of God, but only used them as a way to curse and damn God’s people.  It’s like those who use Christ’s atonement for a cover-up for blind wickedness.  Here and now; yea, this day, may we live in the purity of holiness, for only then, will we realize the truth of true living.  Amen.

Chapter 6:

A Knowing-Malice

1Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. 9And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? 10And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. 11And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? 12And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 14And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 16Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. 17And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 20And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. 21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them. 22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. 24So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Genesis 3 KJV).

John Calvin wrote on his commentary on Genesis:

Verse 5. For God doth know. There are those who think that God is here craftily praised by Satan, as if He never would prohibit men from the use of wholesome fruit. But they manifestly contradict themselves, for they at the some time confess that in the preceding member of the sentence he had already declared God to be unworthy of confidence, as one who had lied. Others suppose that he charges God with malignity and envy, as wishing to deprive man of his highest perfection; and this opinion is more probable than the other. Nevertheless, (according to my judgments) Satan attempts to prove what he had recent)y asserted, reasoning, however, from contraries: God, he says, has interdicted to you the tree, that he may not be compelled to admit you to the participation of his glory; therefore, the fear of punishment is quite needless. In short, he denies that a fruit which is useful and salutary can be injurious. When he says, God does know, he censures God as being moved by jealousy: and as having given the command concerning the tree, for the purpose of keeping man in an inferior rank.

Ye shall be as gods. Some translate it, 'Ye shall be like angels.' It might even be rendered in the singular number, 'Ye shall be as God.' I have no doubt that Satan promises them divinity; as if he had said, For no other reason does God defraud you of the tree of knowledge, than because he fears to have you as companions. Moreover, it is not without some show of reason that he makes the Divine glory, or equality with God, to consist in the perfect knowledge of good and evil; but it is a mere pretense, for the purpose of ensnaring the miserable woman. Because the desire of knowledge is naturally inherent in and happiness is supposed to be placed in it; but Eve erred in not regulating the measure of her knowledge by the will of God. And we all daily suffer under the same disease, because we desire to know more than is right, and more than God allows; whereas the principal point of wisdom is a well-regulated sobriety in obedience to God.

Satan came to Eden with knowing the truth.  The truth is: he knew of disobedience; knowing God forbids it.  He came to deceive because he loves the pride (the foundation of all sin).  This is an example of a knowing-malice.  He came to ruin all humanity and to exalt his false teachings.  But God works all things out for the good of the Christian.  But in the way of malice-deceit, the hosts of sin come with a malice-trickery; a malice-craftiness; a malice-intent to defile.  These are corrupt spiritual weapons.  It is a way of sin that destroys the soul unto damnation.  The God of the Holy Pages of the Bible ordains all for the believer’s good, but the enemy uses that as an excuse to commit the greatest evil.  They take the truth of God, and almost ask, how can this be turned on it’s head to suit the greatest wickedness?  Let us consider the following—

1.         A malice-deceit.  It knows the criminality and a submission of the will to say the wrong.  It affects all the ways of the enemy and is the basis of malice-trickery and malice-craftiness.  It is a self-admission of saying, “I know this is wrong, but I chose the wrong over the good.  I act in a lying-abomination.”
2.         A malice-trickery.  It like saying, “I know this is wrong, but I chosen the wrong over the right to endorse my criminality, and I am here to trick my opponent in such a way that never can be healed.”
3.         A malice-craftiness.  It is like saying, “I want to be unjustly cunning, so I may trick my enemy to advance in abounding sin to conquer any inclination of good.”
4.         A malice-intent.  All of the above have a malice-intent.  It means that it is a self-refuting position, because it admits the right but loves and baths in the wrong.
5.         Therefore, all of these “malice born sin” is not only in Satan but also in the hosts of sin, and such spiritual weapons of Satan need to be destroyed by the imputed righteousness of Christ (the foundation for all practical righteousness).

The Bible speaks of the verses that reject the false prophet’s teaching on being a malice slave of Satan:

  • Malice is a spiritual crime that flames with the fires of hell within the heart of man into spiritual wickedness, criminality and pain (Matthew 15:19-20).  It is an intention to do wrong to another in many ways, but spiritually speaking, it is the way to bring spiritual doom on the sinner.
  • We are to be babes in malice, but be strong in understanding (1 Corinthians 14:20).  The reprobates do not know about being babes in malice but they are giants in malice.  But we have to defeat the foe with the strength of God in David. 
  • We are not to speak with malice communication (Colossians 3:8).  We are called to put this off, but the reprobate wear it like a jewel. 
  • In anger we ought not to sin, but have a purity of anger that models the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:26-27).
  • The enemy does not lay aside malice but seeks to have it avail in everyway (1 Peter 2:1-2).  Reprobates use grace like Satan: it is a cover up for evil in reckless deceit (1 Peter 2:16).

The enemy is active and they are “smart” darkness-lovers who partake of the ministry of Satan and his power.  We must stand against this growing evil, and grow in holiness.  We can defeat Satan by the proclamation of the Gospel-revelation, and adherence to it in all pure sincerity.  We can avail against the tyrants of doom by living a pure heart-driven life in all godliness, humility, sincerity, and truth-honoring prosperity, in the pursuit of glorifying God the Holy Trinity alone for ever!   Amen and amen.