Friday, January 11, 2013

Jesus is Our Divine Substitute Pt 2

13.  We needed Someone who was the essence of grace and righteousness.  Jesus was Incarnate grace and righteousness.  He is the dispenser and source of grace and righteousness.  He is the central theme of grace and righteousness.  There is no need to go through another intercessor to get to the grace and righteousness of Jesus.  We may come to Him for grace and righteousness.  It is a free grace and righteousness that only needs to be received through the instrumentality of faith alone and simple trust.

14.  We needed Someone who was the essence of purity and holiness and uprightness.  Jesus was Incarnate purity, holiness, uprightness.  He is the dispenser and source of purity, holiness, uprightness.  He is the central theme of purity, holiness, and uprightness.  There is no need to go through another intercessor to get purity, holiness and uprightness.  We must go to Jesus to get purity, holiness and uprightness. We come to Him for purity, holiness and uprightness.  It is a free purity, holiness and uprightness that only needs to be received by simple hope and love.

15.  We needed Someone who was the essence of goodness and mercy and loving-kindnesses.  Jesus was Incarnate goodness, mercy and loving-kindnesses.  He is the dispenser and source of goodness, mercy and loving-kindnesses.  He is the central theme of goodness, mercy and loving-kindnesses.  There is no need to go through another mediator to get goodness, mercy and loving-kindnesses.  We must go to Jesus to get goodness, mercy and loving-kindnesses.  We come to Him for it because He is the very heart of it.  He gives freely and all that needs to be done to embrace it by simple faith.

16.  We needed Someone who was the essence of love.  Jesus was Incarnate love and wisdom.  He is the dispenser and source of all love and wisdom and knowledge.  He is the central theme of love and wisdom and knowledge.  There is no need for another advocate (save the Holy Spirit) to get the essence of love, wisdom and knowledge.  We must go to Jesus to get it because He is truly wonderful.  He gives freely and all that must be done is to grasp it by the loving and holy charity of faith (a work of the Spirit alone).

17.  We needed Someone who was the essence of joy.  Jesus was Incarnate joy.   He is the dispenser and source of all joy.  He is the central theme of joy.  There is no need for another mediator but Jesus because He is the personification of joy.  We must go to Jesus to get joy because He is truly awesome.  He gives freely and to have joy we only must come to Him on the basis that He approves which is by faith.

18.  We needed Someone who was the essence of patience and faithfulness.  He is the dispenser and source of all patience and faithfulness.  He is the central theme of patience and faithfulness.  There is no need for another advocate but Jesus because He is by virtue the essence of patience and faithfulness; that is, if there ever was a personification of something it is Jesus as patience and faithfulness.  We must go to Jesus to get it because He is truly marvelous.  He gives it freely to us on the grounds of trusting in Him alone for spiritual salvation in Christ Jesus.

19.  We needed Someone who was the essence of self-control and obedience.  He is the dispenser and source of all self-control and obedience.  He is the central theme of self-control and obedience.  There is no need for another intercessor because He is the essence of self-control and obedience.   Jesus lived a sinless life; that is, He obeyed all the testimonies, judgments, statues, law and will of God.  We must go to Him for it because He provides it freely through faith and simple trust. We may not have faith but He is able to be faithful to us when we are faithless.

20.  We needed Someone who was the essence of prophethood.  He was able to reveal the divine, holy and upright truth of God to the people of Israel.  He is the sole dispenser and source of truth; that is, He is Incarnate truth.  He is the central theme of truth because He is truth.  There is no need for another mediator because Jesus was prophet.  We do not need visions from the Virgin Mary, because we have the divine, holy and awesome testimony of divine Scripture.  Jesus lived as a prophet of God on earth as a sinless Man of Nazareth.  We must come to Him on the grounds of a simple hope and rest in His merits.

21.  We needed Someone who was the essence of the priesthood.  He was able to offer Himself and provide forgiveness and cleansing for His people.  He is the dispenser and source of offering Himself for the people to be forgiven and cleansed through His eternal sacrifice once and for all.  He is indeed the Incarnate Priest who came into the world to save the world.  We do not need to say that through the sufferings of Mary she suffered for the sins of God's people.  Only the redemptive suffering of Jesus gives us the perfect picture of the forgiveness of sins.  Jesus lived a priest of God on earth as the God-man who never rejected any who came to Him on the grounds of faith alone.

22.  We needed Someone who was the essence of kinghood.  He was able to rule over a group of people in the nation of Israel as the Incarnate King.  Jesus is the dispenser and source of royalty; that is, only His elect family are royal.  Every brother and sister in Christ is of royalty.  He is indeed the Incarnate King.  We dare not say that since Jesus is King, Mary is Queen.  We ought to rightly emphasize that Jesus is rightly and solely King and no other bares a great title like unto Himself. 

23.  We needed Someone who was the essence of the God-man.  He was able to conduct His whole ministry as the God-man.  He breathed, walked and talked as the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity, God the Son.  Jesus is the dispenser and source of imputed righteousness through faith alone.  Jesus never makes someone god because there is no god besides Him.  If we are divine in glory, it can't mean we are gods because there is but one God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It is wrong to say as the polytheist says that there is many gods; that is, there is one God revealed in three distinct Persons.

24. We needed Someone who was the essence of sin for us to be judged by God in our behalf as a once and for all sacrifice.  No one could atone for the sins of the world; that is, Buddha could not and it never entered his mind and likewise all the rest of the pretenders.  He stated His mission forthrightly; that is, He declared Himself to be the Good Shepherd that lays down His life for His sheep.  There is no other way for Him to atone for sin but by His cross because it was the will of the Father that He atone for sin only at the Cross which was revealed in the agony in the Garden.

25.  We needed Someone to remind us by His Spirit of His eternal atonement.  We remember His awesome atonement in a special way through holy communion.  Jesus is truly and divinely present in the Eucharist at sacred communion.  He is present through His omnipresence but He is there in a special consecrated sense through the Word of God and the preacher.