Monday, January 21, 2013

Born In Captivity: A Study of the Nature of Sin

CHAPTER 1:  Evil All the Time (Genesis 6:5)

CHAPTER 2:  Desperately Wicked (Jeremiah 17:9)

CHAPTER 3:  No One Is Righteous (Romans 3:10)

CHAPTER 4: No One Understands Nor Seeks God (Romans 3:11)

CHAPTER 5:  All Have Turned Aside (Romans 3:12)

CHAPTER 6:  They Have Become Worthless (Romans 3:12)

CHAPTER 7:  No One Is Good Not Even One (Romans 3:12)

CHAPTER 8:  Open Graves (Romans 3:13)

CHAPTER 9:  Tongues Which Practice Deceit (Romans 3:13)

CHAPTER 10:  The Poison of Asps Is Under Their Lips (Romans 3:13)

CHAPTER 11:  Full of Cursing and Bitterness (Romans 3:13)

CHAPTER 12:  Swift To Shed Blood (Romans 3:15)

CHAPTER 13:  Ruin and Misery Mark Their Ways (Romans 3:16)

CHAPTER 14:  They Do Not Know the Way of Peace (Romans 3:17)

CHAPTER 15:  No Fear of God Before Their Eyes (Romans 3:18)

CHAPTER 16:  Nothing Good Dwells in my Flesh (Romans 7:18)

CHAPTER 17:  The Flesh Cannot Please God (Romans 8:8)

CHAPTER 18:  The Ten Commandments: God Showing Us Our Sin (Exodus 20:1-17)

CHAPTER 19:  Apart From Christ You Have No Covering (Philippians 3:9)

CHAPTER 20:  The Christ-Call of Christ-Appointed Repentance (Mark 1:15)

CHAPTER 1:  Evil All the Time (Genesis 6:5)

            The state of an unregenerate person is a state of the abiding of spiritual evil.  Most people do not view themselves as evil, but if we approach God’s throne in light of His immaculate goodness we will tremble at the thought of our “sin-tainted” righteousness.  It fails to meet the standard of ultimate perfection. 
We are evilly corrupt, because we have Adam’s nature.  It is true that all men are not as even as they could be, but the bare assertion of our nature understands our radical corruption. Spiritual corruption affects all of life, and every dimension of our being is tainted with sin.  Most people have a cavalier understanding of what sin is, and how God views it.  Let us behold the least of sins: what do you suppose God’s reaction is?  It is a reaction of judgment against sin, because we are evil all the time: even our best works have the tainting of evil, and so it is insufficient for us to merit heaven.  In the days of Noah, people engaged in the corruptions of unrighteousness, and such are the days we live in. 
The evil of man will end in eternal hell.  There is a price to pray for evil, and we must understand that evil came from the fall of Adam. 
Are your thoughts tainted with sin?  Do you regard the least of sin as having the greatest judgment of God?  Do you understand that sin is an eternal offense against the only true eternal God? 
If you have an improper view of the gravity of sin, you will have an improper view of what it takes to save you.  If man is evil all the time, he is need of a righteousness that comes from outside of him as extra nos. 
I suppose this final question:  What do you do with the evil in your heart, and how will you obtain the divine righteousness of Christ to cloth yourself?

CHAPTER 2:  Desperately Wicked (Jeremiah 17:9)

            Do you regard yourself as desperately wicked in light of God’s perfect standard that is Himself?  How do you view the smallest sin in your life?  Do you understand it as “It is not that bad?”  Do you make excuses fro yourself in the least of sins? 
            It is true that all sin is sin, but it is also true that there are different degrees of sin.  Some are great, and others are small.  In the world, there are great sinners and small sinners.  The Lord is Lord of both believing sinners. 
            As we grant the great sinners and small sinners as different degrees, we recognize the profound truth of God as immaculately and superlatively holy. 
            The thought of adultery is sin, but the action of adultery is a greater sin.  However, all is sin nonetheless, but do you say that the thought of adultery is not profoundly heinous in God’s sight?  Do you find yourself arguing for it? 
            What if God understands your smallest sin as a cosmic transgression?  What if He comprehends it in light of an ever-perfect standard as sinlessly holy?  Would you argue against God if He said “Your smallest sins are an infinite offense?”  If God does not permit Himself to engage in those “smallest sins,” why would He approve of your commission or omission of sin?

CHAPTER 3:  No One Is Righteous (Romans 3:10)

            Do you argue that good works of helping the poor and oppressed is enough to gain God’s cosmic approval?  Do you see it as a way of righteousness before God? 
            Can the unrighteous have spiritual righteousness as an enemy of God?  Can the unrighteous from within themselves gain righteousness? 
            The unrighteous man breaks the Law of God.  He commits sin by commission and omission, and what is his eternal solution?  Can I gain eternal life by a bare obedience to a display of “outward goodness” or an infusion of “excess” merit?  Does it matter if God approves or disapproves of how I view eternal life?  Does it matter that I disobey a law here and there? 
            If we look at Jesus’ heart, do you see a “venial” sin as you would argue it?  You do not see a “venial” sin, but yet you argue for dedication to Christ’s heart.  If you would argue against a venial-sinning Christ, why do you argue for yourself?  Would you worship a Christ of “venial” sin?  If not, we can take Christ’s example to live in light of ultimate perfection, because the Bible says no one is righteous.  In light of this, you realize you fall short, and miss the mark of eternal perfection. 
            How will you make it?  Is your righteousness equal with the divine merit of the Son?  By no means!  You are one who is included in “no one is righteous” but we know God is, but do you suppose your scheme will avail at the Final Judgment?  Will the unrighteous inherit God’s kingdom?  By all means you know!

CHAPTER 4: No One Understands Nor Seeks God (Romans 3:11)

            Do you by nature understand the spiritual matters of Christ?  Do you by nature seek after God?  The Bible says we cannot understand and that we do not seek after Him.  Can you contemplate the super-abundant mercy of God?  Can you understand the awesome mercy of Christ? 
            The natural man does not understand the things of God.  Yes, it is true that the unconverted can be religiously oriented.  The natural man does not seek God.  Yes, it is true that people investigate religions, and make their fallible choice. 
            The natural man is without spiritual understanding: he has not been awakened to his spiritual problem of cosmic sin before God.  By nature, no man can have authentic understanding that leads to true repentance.  However, it is possible to speak accurate words of theology and not have a heart of life. 
            No one seeks after God: he cannot believe in and of himself because he does not have the spiritual initiative to apprehend God by faith.  No unregenerate man can seek God because we lack the moral capacity by nature. 
            Today many like to put emphasis on people seeking God as an enemy of God, but I would simply say: maybe it’s not you seeking God but God seeking you.  If you flee to the divine Christ, you have been found by God! 
            Why do you lack the knowledge of the teaching of God the Father?  Why do you not flee to Christ as your divine Savior?  Do you reply “because I have not been found by Christ?”  Surely you know:  He has given all a command to repent: the responsibility to believe is now, but has the Almighty Christ found you?  O that corrupt nature! 

CHAPTER 5:  All Have Turned Aside (Romans 3:12)

            All have gone their own way: they have followed the ways of a depraved heart; a sinful heart; a heart of wickedness.  No one was born a Christian, and because of original sin we are fallen creatures in Adam.  Turning aside is not walking in line with God and His gospel, but a walk that is contrary to His ultimate perfection. 
            Let us not walk to the right or the left, but in God’s straight way.  Because by nature we turn aside, we have offended God.  We have caused sin as a serious offense against God. 
            Do you say that you were born a Christian?  Do you suppose having turned aside is meant for others?  When we sin we turn to sin as our highest obedience to Satan in rebellion against God.  If you want to turn, turn to God not sin this day!

CHAPTER 6:  They Have Become Worthless (Romans 3:12)

            We have become worthless because we have sinned.  It does not mean we disregard our dignity as created in God’s image.  It means we have a moral incapacity to be spiritually acceptable before God. 
            Something that is worthless is devoid of acceptability.  It is devoid of spiritual value in terms of saving ourselves in anyway.  Do you understand that you are worthless in this sense? 
            God is the all-source of all-righteousness, and spiritual acceptability.  When we understand worthlessness we comprehend our complete lack of saving ourselves or being a co-savior with Christ, because He alone is our true Savior and Lord who alone is the source of all meritorious benefits.  Christ is filled with spiritual worth, and from Him comes a worth that is the foundation of all acceptability.  It was the One who has the all-meritorious value in Himself, and not those who are worthless.  

CHAPTER 7:  No One Is Good Not Even One (Romans 3:12)

            No one is spiritually good before God.  No one.  That is, by nature we have a complete lack of goodness before God.  We are unable to be good in light of His divine perfection.  We do not truly do good deeds in light of His ever-immaculateness.  That is, by nature we have completely failed. 
            The grace of goodness is through the Lord Jesus Christ in His imputed righteousness by faith alone.  The grace of His good righteousness is alien or foreign to us, but by the favor of Him we believe by faith alone.   
We do not have actual goodness to enter the pearly gates.  We have the appearance of goodness, but it is tainted with stinky sin.  Unregenerate men can perform “good” acts, and still be outside of Christ.  But in the truest sense, those “good” acts do not constitute true goodness because we have sinned. 
However, this does not mean we should not be thankful for civil righteousness.  That is, “good” acts by mere sinners, but there is an ultimate basis, and it is only Christ’s reckoned righteousness by the grace of faith alone.   

CHAPTER 8:  Open Graves (Romans 3:13)

            The heart speaks by the mouth: the heart of man by nature is not right before God, and without God no one can control man’s mouth. 
            What comes from an open grave?  Deadness does not provide a way of life, but has gloom, and doom; and the indication of sin.  There is death of people in the world because of sin.  Where there is death there is no life.
            We are open graves before God.  That is, we are spiritually dead, and we could suffer eternal death as the second death if He does not intervene.  The graves are known to God and are manifest to Him. 
            We do not have the ability to rise ourselves to spiritual life.  We are dead in sin and iniquity, because we have sinned.  The spiritual grave is the unregenerate being of man.  We would sink lower than the grave if He did not lend His redemptive hand and save us! 
            We desperately need the work of the Spirit of God and His Word.  We do not make the Word come alive by our programs, because the Word is power, and is already alive, active and sharper than any two-edged sword. 
            Is your heart an open grave where there is nothing but spiritual death?  Do you sense that you are dead in sins and cannot save yourself? 
            God accepts those who come by the empty hands of faith, because in it is the meaning of God’s sheer grace. 

CHAPTER 9:  Tongues Which Practice Deceit (Romans 3:13)

            The tongue is a weapon, and by nature the sons of men do not know how to control their tongues.  If the tongue is about deceit, it is from a heart of deceit.  The Bible says all men are liars, because God is holy, righteous and good.  Fallen humanity is not acceptable before God in His holy terms.
            Jesus never practiced deceit, because His will was unchangeably fixed to sinlessness, immaculateness and perfection in all ways.  We can trust Jesus’ words but we cannot trust man’s words with the same level of divine acceptability.  God’s Word was inspired by God the Spirit, but man’s hearts are inspired by sin. 

CHAPTER 10:  The Poison of Asps Is Under Their Lips (Romans 3:13)

            The mouth of man is poison, because man is sinful.  Sin not only affects our mouths but every facet of our being.  Sometimes the mouth of man is all about the poisoning of God’s truth by the obedience to sinfulness in however it is manifested.
            Jesus never spoke words of poison because He was truly the standard of goodness.  The lips of men are like a cobra, because he not only speaks like a devil but he is one who comes with poison.  Therefore, the slightest sinful foolishness (apart from silliness) is under the judgment of God: the washing of the mouth can only be done by the spiritual cleansing power of Christ alone.

CHAPTER 11:  Full of Cursing and Bitterness (Romans 3:14)

            The mouth is a lethal instrument of the natural man.  The Bible says the mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.  We ought not to bless man and curse man.  We ought to use our mouths for the aim of God’s glory alone, and the pursuit of all manner of righteousness. 
            We have no reason to curse God or man, and anger should be quenched by the understanding of God having His way in this world.  Only him, who curses, is he who is born in the captivity of sin, and we surely hate God by nature (though we would not like to imagine it), because He is opposite us: He is holy and we are unholy; He is righteous and we are unrighteous; He is pure and we are impure. 
            There is real angry against God by nature.  We get frustrated with His ways because His ways are not our ways, and our ways are not His ways. 

CHAPTER 12:  Swift To Shed Blood (Romans 3:15)

            Every murderer first hated him whom shed his blood.  Hatred of a brother is understood by Christ and His apostles as murder.  Those who preach a false gospel engage in spiritual murder, because that which does not save condemns. 
            The spiritual state of man before rebirth is spiritual deadness.  In a sense, Satan through His temptation murdered us through the transgression of sin.  Those who imitate Satan have a great condemnation. 
All murder is unacceptable and we must not be instruments of death.  Are you someone who hates his brother?  Have you taken life, even abortion? 
Do not follow the example of Satan, but the example of Christ.  Satan is about all kinds of murder, but Christ is all about all kinds of righteousness and life.

CHAPTER 13:  Ruin and Misery Mark Their Ways (Romans 3:16)

            The identification of the fallen in Adam is ruin and misery.  As sinners all of us are ruined and miserable.  It is what consumes their ways.  It is about the consequences of sin. 
            The righteous have their ways marked by goodness, but the wicked live in ruin and misery.  Does it mean we ought to think we are not ruined and miserable?  All sinners are ruined by the holiness of Almighty God, and are wretchedly miserable.  The happiness of the unconverted is devoid of the true happiness of God, because no Christian can be fundamentally unhappy (unless a mental illness).
            We suffer disintegration before a holy God.  This happened before Isaiah the prophet in the Old Testament.  When we view our sinfulness in light of God’s pervasive immaculateness we fail at every level. 

CHAPTER 14:  They Do Not Know the Way of Peace (Romans 3:17)
            The essence of the unconverted man is a way of war with God.   They simply do not understand peace, because by nature we are at enmity to God. 
            The way of spiritual peace is through the Lord Jesus Christ.  He alone provides peace beyond understanding through Himself alone.   

CHAPTER 15:  No Fear of God Before Their Eyes (Romans 3:18)

            The unregenerate do not have reverential respect before God.  All sinners have a kind of dread for the immediate presence of the Almighty.  The unbelieving do not regard God as One to fear by respect, because their hearts are contrary to Him.  What does the fear of God look like?  It looks like this: it is all about daily repentance; it is all about repenting by yielding to the Holy Christ.  It is all about obeying His commands, because by this we show we love Him.  It is all about living rightly before God in Christ in all holy obedience and faithfulness to His awesome name. 

CHAPTER 16:  Nothing Good Dwells in my Flesh (Romans 7:18)

            If nothing good dwells in my flesh, why do you say “I cooperated with God to believe?”  If nothing good dwells in my flesh, why do you say “I am good?”  If nothing good dwells in my flesh, why do you say “I rely on the excess merit of sinners?”  If nothing good dwells in my flesh, why do you say “I prefer the free will of man over the freedom of God?”  If nothing good dwells in my flesh, why do you say “Obedience to the law will save me?”   If nothing good wells in my flesh, why do you say “Obedience to the sacraments will save me?”
            This verse teaches us that no one can cooperate with God in believing.  This verse teaches that no one is good.  This verse teaches that no excess merit of saints will ever avail before God.  This verse teaches that God’s free will begins where free will ends.  This verse teaches that no one can acceptably obey God’s law except first by God’s intervention in making an elect sinner born from above!  This verse teaches that the sacraments cannot save because the instruments of men are devoid of heavenly goodness.
            To whom do we go for actual goodness?  Who has this treasure of goodness in Himself?  Who is full of the all-merit of God that we need so terribly? 

CHAPTER 17:  The Flesh Cannot Please God (Romans 8:8)

            If the flesh is not good, it cannot please God.  If the flesh cannot please God, it cannot avail to divine righteousness, goodness and purity by itself, or with the help of other devices of men.   
            Who has the divine righteousness in Himself?  Whose righteousness alone is pleasing to God?  How do we know what is pleasing to Him but by His Word (Philippians 3:9)?
How can we stand in what is not pleasing to God?  That is, anything but His divine Son.   He alone is your raft. 
You, my friend, are like a totally disabled child who cannot run to Christ.  Is Christ a Savior that does not think of your condition?  No, the Christ of the Scripture is the Sinner-Seeker of His fallen ones, because Christ runs to you, my beloved. 
If you cannot please God, and you become aware of it, believe in the light of His righteousness by belief alone, and live a life in the Spirit.  Only then will God be pleased with His work in you. 
            If we cannot please God, do you suppose we can add to His all-completed work?  Surely the Only Begotten One is the Only Acceptable One.

CHAPTER 18:  The Ten Commandments: God Showing Us Our Sin (Exodus 20:1-17)

            Have you read the Ten Commandments recently?  Have you studied the Westminster Larger Catechism on what is forbidden according to the Law of God?
            The Law of God shows us the Law of Sin, because by the righteousness of the Law we can understand our depths of depravity.  God uses the Law to show us our sin, because He is righteous.  We cannot obey the Law of God perfectly, because when it says “Thou shalt not commit adultery” it refers to the thought as well as the action.  The whole concept of the Law of God is essential for obedience.  We can come to obedience by the Spirit’s work in us by applying the grace to our hearts. 
            If you really understand the law you will really understand your nature.  If you doubt that you are a sinner, the honest reading of the Law teaches us an in-depth presentation of sensible righteousness.  In-depth studies or meditations of the Law of God by the Spirit are what are needed in the process of holiness. 
            I want to say something out of place here.  I realize that there are people who deny they are sinners.  Bare with me a word: my friend, Satan has dealt with you in super-cruelty because you are under his will.  Those who deny sinfulness of themselves are a great casualty of Satan.  There is not a greater cruelty on earth.  However, you can rebel against Satan by recognition of your nature under the God-approved way of remission of sin by His Spirit in rebellious repentance.
            The in-depth truth of the Ten Commandments about what is forbidden is an in-depth look into the soul.  Have you rebelliously obeyed His commands because of the deep love you have of the Lord Jesus Christ?

CHAPTER 19:  Apart From Christ You Have No Robes (Philippians 3:9)

            Have you seen your sin?  Have you seen your spiritual nakedness?  Without Christ or apart from Christ you can do nothing of spiritual righteousness, because in Him is the true treasure of matchless holy goodness: a full treasury of light-bearing immaculateness. 
            You need His unified righteousness.  These will fit you well as the ultimate spiritual robes of the Lord Righteous.  You cannot make it in the spiritual robes of man’s religion, because it is devoid of the Spirit of the apostle Peter. 
            Have you looked at your spiritual cloths?  Why are you wearing filthy rages? 

CHAPTER 20:  The Christ-Call of Christ-Appointed Repentance (Mark 1:15)
            The Bible calls us to repentance.  Have you been convicted of sin here and there but afterwards it leads to no daily conviction?  The daily conviction I speak of is centered on the in-depth view of the Ten Commandments. 
            You have infinitely offended God, because sin is an eternal offence against Him.  That does not mean you should beat yourself or embrace suicide, but it means you must submit to His command of redemptive love for His people. 
            Every time you repent, Christ wins.  Every time you repent, Satan loses.  Do you wish to know smash Satan by holy ways?  Repentance is the way you should go, because God is pleased with the obedience of that command. 
            Learn from these men:  Esau tried to repent after selling birthright or soul but God denied him repentance because it was not of God.  Judas threw back the money he gained from betraying Christ, but his repentance was not of Christ.
            Do not be discouraged by these men, but I provide them so you may fear and tremble before God.  He is only One who can really forgive you. 
            Do you have sincerity devoid of malice?  Do you have a hatred for doing good that good may come?  Do you want to please God by second-by-second ort minute-by-minute repentance and commitment to Christian honesty in His presence?  Do you repent in the understanding of knowing your sin offends God?  Do you repent over bad, sinful feelings?  Measure you’re standing by this: if you stood before Christ or if someone saw your thought-life in your mind, how would you look?  Take steps to amend your life in light of the Divine Word apart from unnecessary extremes. 
            Peace be with you as you devote yourself to His matchless Word in all blamelessness by His power and avoidance of yielding to Satan.  Amen.