Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is the Jehovah’s Witness Christian?

Christians Are Possessors of Faith

Christians know the Lord Jesus as the Living Yahweh in human flesh:  Jesus Christ is Yahweh in human flesh (John 1:14).  This means Jesus is divine, but not solely divine; He has a human nature; two natures in all; Jesus is one person, the Incarnate Savior.  We know and love Him because He first knew and loved us.  Jesus Christ is not simply an exalted angelic creature but rather He is the LORD Almighty (the Second Person of the Holy Trinity).  There are Jehovah’s Witnesses who seem to respond with their trained answers when evangelism takes place between a Christian and a Jehovah’s Witness.  Christian apologetics is not merely a spiritually vain and groundless trained response.  His God-ordained elect are used as a means by God to accomplish His beloved will in the proclamation of His divine truth. We must give scripturally founded answers to Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Those that are hostile to the Reformed faith must be countered with biblical answers derived from Holy Writ to present God’s truth.  We must genuinely put forth a defense of our faith.  Christians are possessors and professors of the notable faith of Christ. Christians are not merely professors of faith.  We must be possessors of true faith in Christ in order to be professors of faith in Christ to present the gospel of pure grace to a lost group: the Watchtower Organization (hereafter WTO).
We are all eternally indebted to God the Holy Spirit who changed our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.  Jehovah’s Witnesses have not experienced God’s changing power in regeneration.  God does not change a sinner’s heart to believe the wrong Jesus, in fact, another Jesus, wholly devoid of the Jesus of Holy Writ.  If people are not possessors of faith from the sole work of the Triune God in soteriology, plainly revealed in the divine Scriptures, they have no credible and true basis to authentically proclaim God’s divine truth from the Author of supernatural truth; the Sinless and Blessed Spirit of truth.  Our changed heart of possessing true and lasting faith from the enabling work of the Holy Spirit in monergistic regeneration (that is, being born from above) enables us to make a true profession of faith.  Christians have an assured hope in accordance with the Father’s will, purchased by His Son at Calvary, and enabled by the Holy Ghost.  We speak from our hearts of hope; the heart of Christ possessed by God’s Spirit under Christ’s control in conjunction with our Heavenly Father’s will. 
If we remain silent we contribute to the problem of the impurity of doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  The doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses are polluted because their doctrines are scripturally unsupported, doctrinally false, and they themselves are spiritually devoid of the Father’s Spirit.  Their doctrine does not have a scriptural or spiritual substance to it.  It is simply empty; devoid of any saving truth.  This is why an empty message produces empty souls; devoid of the spotless Spirit of truth. Silence allows for the continual manifestation of foul doctrine and leaves room for further spiritual crimes of impure doctrine against people and has devastating and eternal ramifications whether we acknowledge it or not.  Silence in the face of polluted doctrine, in this case when dealing with WTO, is the very antithesis of Christ and His beloved church. 
People without the Spirit of God in them have no business engaged in any kind of Christian ministry.  It is impossible to have a God-honoring and God-glorifying ministry without the Holy Spirit (of which the WTO rejects and denies, for they deny the true and actual divinity and personality of the Holy Spirit, thereby denying God Himself and disqualifies their unprofitable man-centered ministry).  The WTO has the appearance of ministry but does not actually have a God-honoring ministry.  We know it has no God-exalting truth regarding the nature of salvation and who Christ is, because of what they truly teach.  Their ministry has no Scriptural basis.  It exists in spreading wild fire heresy throughout our world.  Throughout this book it will be conclusively demonstrated and responsibly documented to truthfully present the ultimate and final conclusion of Sacred Scripture.  Their false theology requires answers.  We are called as Christian spiritual warriors to answer with gentleness and reverence.  We are to always remain in a state of humility within our blessed sanctification.  We must trust God to transform their ways.  Reverent awe of our Lord is consistent with the Christian life.  We are to have a single-minded way of Christ to live in the liberty of Christ possessing the outworking fruits of God’s divine and personal Holy Spirit. 
The truthful theology of biblical Christianity derived from Holy Writ is essential for our knowledge in presenting God’s truth.  When we hear what non-believers say we can give a suitable response always adhering to Scripture.  We are to speak in our Lord’s presence.  Our Triune Lord is everywhere and knows all things.  When we speak anything about God it is to be in a state of assuredly knowing that God is present, listening to what we say about Him.  If we speak falsely about our Lord, it is a spiritual offense against Him.  We must always be knowledgeable and prepared to lovingly present God’s truth to a fallen world.  We are to be responsible in what we say about God.  He has given us our minds to serve, exalt, honor, glorify and worship Him alone.
We are commanded, as opposed to an invitation, to believe Jesus Christ and to love one another.  Jesus Himself is the Incarnate One Who came to be the divine answer to polluted, totally depraved, and spiritually insane people who cannot keep God’s commandments. 
What does it mean to be a true Christian?  Or who makes a true Christian?  It is, indeed, God alone who makes a true Christian, not man.  It is wholly God Who makes a Christian.  Man-centered theology would have us believe, man, under the disguise of Christianity makes a Christian.  Man has elevated himself through his perverse spiritual irrationality in man-centered theology in which case he has manufactured God in his own image, a God made with human hands, which is in fact, no God at all in reality, and it is, indeed, a stench in the nostrils of God.  Thus all the religions of this world and others who falsely misrepresent God’s divine truth, either in their worldly foolishness, or their false understandings, as Jehovah’s Witnesses have done and continue to do, fail at every point where the Reformed faith succeeds.  Rather then being a man-centered religion of this world, the Reformed faith rightly and correctly exalts, honors, glorifies and magnifies God Himself, as the sole Author of salvation, which is from Scripture, of Scripture and because of Scripture alone.  It is God-centered theology alone that is orthodox and true.  It is not simply a theoretical assumption but rather it is true in real life (whether we acknowledge it or not, it is true, in the lives of His elect people because only the elect respond); the grace of God alone is experienced.
Although the WTO claims to adhere to the verbal inspiration of holy Scripture, it denies it in its practice to the adherence of Russell and Rutherford.  The WTO wrongly elevates its organization over Scripture.  The doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible is muddled by the gross and fallacious ways of their subjective hermeneutic.  Their hermeneutic provides an avenue for false presumptuous renderings of the text of Scripture itself and promotes a spiritually unhealthy imagination regarding doctrine which negatively affects their members in believing polluted doctrine.  Believing orthodox doctrine is not evidence of being saved, being born again is.  Someone can believe orthodox doctrine and not be saved.  Although this is true, the belief and adherence to unorthodox doctrine shows they are surely not saved.
I agree with those who say that Jehovah’s Witnesses is wholly improper for followers of the Watchtower because in reality these pretenders are followers of Russell and Rutherford.  The followers of the Watchtower are not true Jehovah’s Witnesses but rather they are in essence Jehovah’s false Witnesses.  Although I use the terminology of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” I do not mean that they are actually true Christians.  Rather I use this terminology merely to identify them.  I agree that the proper name for them is Russellites not Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses. 

What Makes a Christian?

From God’s true irresistible grace (that is, sovereign monergistic regeneration) by God the Holy Spirit we express through our changed will, assured faith alone.  The sole ground for justification is the Incarnate Christ, having the imputed unified righteousness of the divine Lamb of God (in terms of the passive and active obedience of Christ) accounted to His elect only, and having our sins imputed to the matchless Incarnate divine Substitute, Jesus Christ.  The sin of God’s preordained elect only was transferred, given, accounted and imputed to the eternal Son of God, wholly sufficient, without any insufficiency; wholly unlimited in the benefits of the atonement of Jesus Christ for and to His beloved elect only.  The atonement of Christ was done by Christ alone for the elect alone, and it is applied by God the Holy Ghost (from the Father through His Son) to the elect alone.  Therefore, Christ is the perfect Incarnate Redeemer.
The atonement of Christ did not make Him a sinner when He willingly died at Calvary (nor was He a sinner at anytime in His life; He did not freely die to atone for any sin of Himself, but rather, He was and is without sin.  He died for the sin of His people, and He became sin so His people may become the righteousness of God in Him.  He died to God the Father; that is, He offered of Himself, the perfect ransom (a sweet fragrance unto God the Father), and He remains the impeccable, eternal, and unchanging Son of Man, Christ Jesus, the Victor).  He wholly and freely bore the totality of the sins of His people alone in their place in complete fullness.  The just dreadful wrath of our Heavenly Father was satisfied through, by and because of His Beloved Son. The sins of God’s people were expiated, that is, removed from all them as far as the east is from the west, and Christ appeased the wrath of God.  God the Father has accepted what the God-man, the selfless, all-sufficient, spotless, sinner-Seeker, has done for His people.  The sufficient work of the God-man was, indeed, and still is, wholly and completely well-pleasing to His Beloved Father.  What Christ Himself accomplished on the cross at Calvary, was not in opposition to His Beloved Father’s will but was in complete and total harmony with it and perfect cooperation to it. 
The cross of the Incarnate Lamb did not merely potentially save God’s people but actually saved His people. The alien righteousness of Christ alone avails before God the Father Himself.  There is no division or separation between the Father and the Son.  Christ Himself, the God-man, paid for our eternal sin debt which we could never pay.  God makes a heavenly and true forensic declaration in their justification of His own, once and for all, which is not a process.  His people’s salvation is dependent upon the Triune Lord Himself not man; indeed, it is God-dependent, that is, all by, from and because of God’s sheer and pure sovereign grace alone.  It is of Christ alone, because of Christ alone, and from Christ alone, wholly in behalf of totally depraved sinners.  When God bestows upon His people, graciousness, it is not from obligation but by His blessed voluntary work of His holy kindness and tender abundant mercies. It is wholly God-glorifying and God-magnifying, which is all divinely predestinated and foreordained, before the world began for His blessed elect only.  The elect of the Lamb will preserve because of the preservation of God Himself.  Those who are truly regenerate will truly preserve unto the very end.  God safely keeps His chosen from truly falling away.  His sovereign work alone is irrevocable and unchangeable.  Indeed, it cannot be undone.  This is what a Christian is, and it is entirely foreign to the WTO.

Exposing Falsehoods

We are called to love devoid of any hypocrisy, rightly hate evil, and truly cling tenaciously to good (Romans 12:9) based on the final, sufficient and sole infallible authority, the Holy Scriptures (Second Timothy 3:14-17) and we are to responsibly search them (see Acts 17:11).
          Jehovah’s Witness literature declares that exposing falsehoods is not persecution:

Can there be false religion? It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and to show that another religion is false. It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion. But in order to make the exposure and show the wrong religions to be false, the true worshiper will have to use an authoritative means of judgment, a rule of measurement that cannot be proved faulty. To make a public exposure of false religion is certainly of more value than exposing a news report as being untrue; it is a public service instead of a religious persecution and it has to do with the eternal life and happiness of the public. Still it leaves the public free to choose.  (Watchtower, November 15, 1963, p. 688).

It is surely not the approach of this author to persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses in anyway whatsoever.  My approach is to provide biblical answers, and defend divine truth against false doctrine.  The doctrines of Scripture should come from Scripture alone not from tradition, ignorance, subjectivism or the authority of an errant and human organization over Holy Writ. 
          The WTO proclaims, believing in one true religion is not egotistical:

Why should anyone practice a religion unless he is convinced that it is true and right? It is not egotistical for a worshiper to say and believe that his is the only true religion. However, he ought to be able to prove that his is the only one that is correct and that results in eternal blessings. Otherwise, his faith in his religion is foundationless and is mere credulity.  (Watchtower, November 15, 1963, p.688-689).

Although it is true that there is one true religion, it is not true that this true religion is the WTO.  All religions allege different beliefs which contradict each other.  All of them cannot be true.  We know there is one truth because of what Scripture states, and what God has presented in His Word as truth.  It is true that it is not egotistical to believe one true way, unless it is a way that is not the way of God.  If a religion claims to be the right way, and their claim is from a merely human invention of truth and not from God, it is, then egotistical.  It is arrogant to say that “this is the true way” when it is from man and not from God.  But to claim to be the true way is right if it is from God alone, because God is the Author of Truth not man.  Therefore I believe the WTO is egotistical in claiming it is the true religion because it rejects, denies and obstructs God’s divine Word and His glorious truth. 
This demonstrates that publicly revealing falsehoods about a certain religion is not persecution and believing concerning one true way is not necessarily wrong only if the one true way can be proven to be that.  It is not sufficient for Jehovah’s Witnesses to cry persecution when Reformed apologetists provide a meaningful exegesis of Scripture and, therefore, providing substantive biblically based answers devoid of the traditions of men and doctrines of demons.  For it is not persecution but rather a Christian apologetic based from Holy Scripture.  Such behavior is not biblically permissible to cry persecution when answers are rightly supplied but the only reaction of this sort is a suppression of God’s divine truth and outright rebellion against the Holy and Blessed Trinity in the adherence to false religion.  The exclusivity of Christ in the Christian faith cannot be true if it has its sole source from an errant organization.  The source of believing the exclusivity of Christ is the sole matchless written Word (see Acts 4:12). 
          Someone cannot argue from a standpoint of binding on the conscience unless it is God Himself in His sole infallible word not a fallible and errant organization.  The unwavering written Word of God actually changes lives in truth and in reality (regeneration occurs by God the Spirit under the God-man’s control from the will of God the Father) not deceptive doctrine from a Unitarian perversion of the nature of God from a flawed organization. 
          The purpose of honestly revealing documented falsehoods concerning Jehovah’s Witness religion is to demonstrate and make known the misleading and gross distortions of the WTO and to rightly establish the impurity of their doctrine and defend and maintain the purity of doctrine of the Reformed faith grounded firmly in Holy Writ.  Thus it is essential to be discerning in an ever undiscerning world.