Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ambrosiaster on Romans 8:33

Ambrosiaster comments on Romans 8:33,
"It is clear that nobody would dare or be able to override the judgement and foreknowledge of God.  For who could reject what God has approved, given that nobody is equal to God?"   (Bray and Oden, Ancient Christian Commentary On Scripture, New Testament VI, Romans, pg. 239).
It is God who justifies the elect.  Here he comments on no one shall bring a charge against God's elect.  Justification is not being *made* righteous.  This is something that Roman Catholicism teaches; that is, it is a difference between being "made righteous" or "declared righteous."  Rome teaches being *made* righteous.  Rome confuses justification and sanctification, but justification, if we go by the Bible alone, is a forensic or legal declaration of God in imputing His unified merit of His active and passive obedience to a lost sinner through the spiritual application of monergistic regeneration by the Spirit of God and written Word of God.  Justification is a once and for all declaration and it can never be changed.  No one can improve upon this legal declaration by God because it is founded on the life and death of Christ alone.  The bodily resurrection of Christ alone is something that verifies and confirms the life and death of Christ alone!  However, Rome would consider this Reformed language a "legal fiction" but we know that the Bible teaches it because it is a real righteousness because it comes from Jesus Christ alone and there is no higher or better merit than Christ alone.  May we deeply ponder this and keep Jesus close to our hearts.  Amen.