Sunday, December 30, 2012

Forsake Sexual Immorality: Repent and Believe the Good News

“Father, give us lives that honor You.  Awaken our minds to the truth of Scripture, and how we may live in a godless time.  Let us not be conformed to the world but to the way of Christ and to His blessed image.  Let us live in conformity to Christ and love His truth and live His truth.  Grant us hearts that are willing to witness to the lost.  Amen.”

The subject of homosexuality or sexual immorality is a subject to study.  In this sermon I have touched upon certain things.  Perhaps in another sermon on this same subject I will write the additional things that could be spoken about on this subject.  My intention for writing this sermon is to spread the message of ‘Repentance’ for the sin of homosexuality or sexual immorality or fornication.  It is not out of a heart of cruel hatred that I write this sermon.  No, no!  Rather it is because we deeply care about the lifestyles of people and where they will spend eternality.  The lifestyles of people are our concern because Scripture commands a life of holiness and godliness.  And I also have a right to freedom of speech to preach on this subject.  But holiness and godliness do not include this moral sin.  However, it is possible to struggle with this sin and repent of it but have it as a besetting sin.  There is a difference between a habitual sin and a besetting sin.  Habitual sins do not include repentance but besetting sins include repentance.  It is my hope that reformation will take place in the lives of people who are involved in this sin.  The Bible is replete with evidence that supports a pro-family environment not homosexuality or homosexual marriage.  The Bible is against homosexuality in every age.  We see that God is against it in Genesis 19:1-28, Leviticus 18:22; 20:13, Ezekiel 16:46-50 and Romans 1:18-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Jude 7-8.  The sin of homosexuality has spread throughout our country and land.  Homosexuality is an immoral act.  It is an act condemned by the Christian Bible.  The Bible calls it detestable or an abomination.  The KJV, NKJV uses the word “abomination” while the NIV and NASB uses the word “detestable.” 

'If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.” (Lev. 20:13 NIV).

To have a man lie with another man as one would do with a woman is clearly reprehensible.  It is indeed an act that is contrary to human nature, and it is contrary to the law of God.  In the time of the Old Testament it was a crime worthy of death.  So, then, it is a serious matter and we will do well to look into this matter with great attention and caution.  Today we see people living their lives in the way that seems right to them.  They decide what “morals” are and what are not “morals.”  In a certain sense they are a law unto themselves.  Some will say that a relationship with many homosexuals is appropriate at once.  Others will say that they desire to have a relationship with one male.  Some would believe themselves to be somewhat “loose” in their interpretation of homosexuality, and others would seem “restricted” to their interpretation of it.  I think the homosexuals reason, that since heterosexual couples have many partners, or some seek merely one partner, they are able to do the same kind of thing.  They see heterosexuals engaged in promiscuity, and for some reason they see no reason why they can’t do the same thing.  The classic case for these people is taking an example from the world and applying to their own lives of sin.  The truth is that, if a person as a homosexual, looks to the way heterosexuals are, and he thinks it is appropriate to have multiple partners, or have a single partner as a homosexual; he has reasoned wrongly.  It is wrong for a man to lie with another man because the divine Scriptures speak clearly against such activity.  The question is, what gives you the right to decide what morals are, and what morals are not?  God has a law, and in that law He forbids certain activity.  As much as homosexuality is a sin, it is just as much as a sin, to commit adultery, fornication and the like.  The point is, they are all sin, and must be rejected and avoided.  If someone rejects these spiritual crimes against God and believes Christ, it is clear sign that he or she desires to live in conformity with God’s ways not the ways of depraved man.  There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads in death.  I submit to you that the sin of homosexuality will led to a shorter life, and it is harmful to the human body.  Yet the sin of homosexuality will not lead to the second death.  The second death is hell.  But if a person goes through their lives and rejects God’s standards, and replaces it with their own, and denies the gospel in the state of unbelief and impenitence, he or she will surely suffer the second death.  There is no second chance after you die.  If someone thought there was, it is certainly not from the Bible and such a view is foreign from the biblical text itself.  The Bible is the Word of God, and there are some people who believe that they can be Christian and a homosexual at the same time.  Yet the Word of God is plainly clear: such an understanding is absent from Scripture.  It is similar to saying that a Freemason can be a Christian.  They do not believe the sound doctrines of the faith.  Imagine I said that you can be Christian and practice unbelief on the essential doctrines of the faith.  So, then, it is impossible.  It is the same thing as saying you can be a Christian and live a life of sin.  Such is contrary to godliness and holiness in the Christian life.  When we see a person sin the sin of homosexuality, we do not see a person who has committed the unforgivable sin.  This kind of sin is a sin of immorality.  It is not the sin of the second death.  It is scripturally sufficient to call people to ‘Repentance’ from their immoral actions.  It is time for people to ‘Repent’ of their spiritual crimes.  It is a crime against the Living God because He has said in His Word that is it detestable.  So when we offer people to ‘Repent’ we do so out of Christ-like love.  We follow His example and tell people to ‘Repent.’  Repentance is turning from sin, and confessing our sin to God.  Let’s call it for what it really is:  homosexuality is a sin.  In the New Testament the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought someone to Jesus who committed adultery.  They made her stand before the group, and they wanted her stoned because she was caught in the act of adultery.  But they said this as a trap for the basis of accusing Him.  Then, Jesus began to write on the ground with his finger.  They continued to question Him, and He got up, and said “if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”  Another time, He stood down and wrote on the ground.  But the people went away one at a time.  The older ones left first, and it was then that Jesus was the only One left.  The woman was standing there.  He stood up and asked where they were, and that no one condemned her.  She said that no one condemned her, and He said “neither do I condemn you” and here is the place we must listen more intensely:  "Go now and leave your life of sin."  This is what Jesus declared to the woman.  Jesus did not mean when He said “Neither do I condemn you” that He approved of adultery.  Jesus was a man who perfectly obeyed the Father’s will and law.  He never sinned.  When Jesus said this, He desired mercy on her, but He never gave a moral approver of it.  It is the same with homosexuality.  He never has moral approver of it, yet He desires mercy upon the one caught in the act of homosexuality who is His own.  He wants people to leave their life of sin.  He calls for a radical reformation in the life of people.  God condemns homosexuality in every age:  Patriarchs, the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the New Testament.  It is not that people trust in ourselves to save ourselves but it is in God’s mercy that people can be accepted.  Yet God’s mercy is not a license to sin more, and more.  It is not scriptural to sin knowing that God will forgive.  Such a sin is intentional and serious.  Do you wish to crucify the Son of God afresh?  People must leave their lives of sin and cling to the matchless Savior who saves to the uttermost.  He saves His people, and the sin of homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin.  It is clearly a sin that can be forgiven.  If you have sin and guilt, confess it to God through His only Beloved Son and you will be forgive.  The Scripture declares that if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive, and cleanse from all unrighteousness.  But first I must ask, have you placed your faith in Christ?  Somewhere in the New Testament Jesus tells a person that he should leave his life of sin or something worse will happen to him.  Such is the case with sinners.  People must leave their life of sin—no matter what it is.  We must live in conformity to the Ten Commandments.  Some say they are and hold to the act of homosexuality.  But such is foreign to biblical law.  Some would dare to say that the Ten Commandments do not teach a broad understanding of law.  They would limit it in the scope of what it means.  If we look at the Westminster Catechism under “Thou shalt not commit adultery” Question 137 through 139, we see that in the question that speaks of what is forbidden, it plainly says

The sins forbidden in the seventh commandment, besides the neglect of the duties required,[780] are, adultery, fornication,[781] rape, incest,[782] sodomy, and all unnatural lusts;[783] all unclean imaginations, thoughts, purposes, and affections;[784] all corrupt or filthy communications, or listening thereunto;[785] wanton looks,[786] impudent or light behaviour, immodest apparel;[787] prohibiting of lawful,[788] and dispensing with unlawful marriages;[789] allowing, tolerating, keeping of stews, and resorting to them;[790] entangling vows of single life,[791] undue delay of marriage,[792] having more wives or husbands than one at the same time;[793] unjust divorce,[794] or desertion;[795] idleness, gluttony, drunkenness,[796] unchaste company;[797] lascivious songs, books, pictures, dancings, stage plays;[798] and all other provocations to, or acts of uncleanness, either in ourselves or others.[799].” 

        I think that sodomy and all unnatural lusts fits well with what I am speaking of.  Let us turn to Scripture that supports the understanding of what is forbidden…

Romans 1:24, 26-27. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.... For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

Tertullian wrote,

“When Paul asserts that males and females changed among themselves the natural use of the creature into that which is unnatural, he validates the natural way.”  (Romans, p. 46).

Cyprian wrote,

“If you were able…to direct your eyes into secret places, to unfasten the locked doors of sleeping chambers and to open these hidden recesses to the perception of sight, you would behold that being carried on by the unchaste which a chaste countenance could not behold.  You would see what it is an indignity even to see…Men with frenzied lusts rush against men.  Things are done which cannot even give pleasure to those who them.” (Romans, p. 47).

Severian wrote,

“Paul did not say this lightly, but because he had heard that there was a homosexual community at Rome.”  (Romans, p. 47).

We read God’s disproval of bestiality: 

Leviticus 20:15-16. And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

The sin of bestiality is also an abomination.  The Scripture says it is worthy of death because it is so reprehensible, and it is a grave offense against a holy God.  The Bible offers a simple message, “Repent and believe in the gospel.” 

Dr. MacArthur wrote,

“Why does God condemn homosexuality? Because it overturns God’s fundamental design for human relationships—a design that pictures the complementary relationship between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:22-33).
Why, then, have homosexual interpretations of Scripture been so successful at persuading so many? Simple: people want to be convinced. Since the Bible is so clear about the issue, sinners have had to defy reason and embrace error to quiet their accusing consciences (Romans 2:14-16). As Jesus said, “Men loved the darkness rather than the Light, [because] their deeds were evil” (John 3:19-20).
As a Christian, you must not compromise what the Bible says about homosexuality—ever. No matter how much you desire to be compassionate to the homosexual, your first sympathies belong to the Lord and to the exaltation of His righteousness. Homosexuals stand in defiant rebellion against the will of their Creator who from the beginning “made them male and female” (Matthew 19:4).
Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by homosexual advocates and their futile reasoning—their arguments are without substance. Homosexuals, and those who advocate that sin, are fundamentally committed to overturning the lordship of Christ in this world. But their rebellion is useless, for the Holy Spirit says, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; cf. Galatians 5:19-21).
So, what is God’s response to the homosexual agenda? Certain and final judgment. To claim anything else is to compromise the truth of God and deceive those who are perishing.
As you interact with homosexuals and their sympathizers, you must affirm the Bible’s condemnation. You are not trying to bring damnation on the head of homosexuals, you are trying to bring conviction so that they can turn from that sin and embrace the only hope of salvation for all of us sinners—and that’s through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Homosexuals need salvation. They don’t need healing—homosexuality is not a disease. They don’t need therapy—homosexuality is not a psychological condition. Homosexuals need forgiveness, because homosexuality is a sin.”
Homosexuality, adultery, fornication and bestiality are all serious moral sins that condemns.  He commands everyone everywhere to repent and believe in the gospel.  I also think that these civil unions are a further abomination toward what the family ought to be, and most importantly, toward God Himself.  We see that in its broad understanding the Ten Commandments forbid homosexuality.  I think people do not understand this because they merely look at it on a surface level.  They do not plunge the riches and depths of these blessed commandments.  I think some see what they want to see.  Some do not want to believe that they break God’s law.  They are blinded people who are blinded by unnatural lust.  Others know they break God’s law, but they do not care. They know that human beings have not be made in a such a way as to approve of homosexuality.  But they engage in it despite the fact that God has desired nature in such a way that is against it.  If we did not have the Scripture we would at least know that God says “no” to it because of the way He has design human beings.  But the fact is we do have the Scriptures, and they speak against such activity.  God is holy and just.  He is righteous and good.  Would God allow sin without putting into effect His precious law?  No, no!  God is holy and He demands that we are holy as He is.  Some think it is possible to be holy and yet be a homosexual.  Such is a clearly absurd and clearly absent from Scripture.  Holiness is not living in sin.  Rather it is a life of faithful repentance.  If you lust, have you repented?  If you have committed indecent acts, have you repented?  Turn from your sin and live for God’s glory.  Do not live a life of sin.  We must remain faithful to our God and live in conformity to His ways and law.  1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states,

 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

The wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God.  They are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexual offenders, thieves, greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers.  Chrysostom wrote, “Paul does not confine his accusations to a short list of types of sin but condemns all equally.”  (1 Corinthians, 54).  All of these verses speak against certain spiritual crimes.  They are crimes of darkness.  We do not say the idolater can enter the kingdom of heaven before the homosexual.  No, no!  We say that these sins are completely foreign to the totality of Scripture, and they are wrong to do.  Someone who practices these sins, and who dies in a state of unbelief, will go to hell.  God is just and He will punish every sin that a man commits.  God will not let one sin go uncovered.  He will act at His appointed time.  Hell is a place of God’s perfect justice.  To escape hell you need the matchless robes of righteousness of Christ.  To believe you must be born again.  God is the One who makes a Christian. 
        If you are a Christian and yet, you struggle but you do not practice the sin of homosexuality, my question to you is, have you repented, and do you bear fruits of repentance?  There are people who think they are merely born this way and therefore, they reason they are without excuse, but listen to the wisdom of Chrysostom,

“Here too Paul shows that the heathen were responsible for their own sins, and he deprives them of all excuse.  For he says that their evil deeds did not come from ignorance but from willful practice.  This is why he did not say because they did not know God but rather they did not see fit to acknowledge God” (Romans p. 48). 

Thus people are responsible for their thoughts, emotions and actions to God.  Have you been enabled by God’s grace to engage in a moral reformation of your life?  Have you turned from it and have you found victory over it?  Victory over sin is God’s wonderful way of giving us grace.  We have victory through the Lord Jesus because He died for His people.  If you need victory over your temptation, God has surely given you a way of escape.  Ask Him to strength you and encourage you in the spirit of purity.  Walk in purity, and live as a saint since you have trusted Christ.  You can walk in purity if you have submitted to God’s grace to enable you to live in conformity to His most blessed ways. 

Luther wrote in the Preface to the Romans, which is directly related to what we are talking about regarding sin…

“_Sin_ in the Scriptures means not only external works of the body 
but also all those movements within us which bestir themselves and move 
us to do the external works, namely, the depth of the heart with all its powers.
Therefore the word _do_ should refer to a person's completely falling into sin. 
No external work of sin happens, after all, unless a person commit himself to 
it completely, body and soul. In particular, the Scriptures see into the heart, to 
the root and main source of al sin: unbelief in the depth of the heart. Thus, even 
as faith alone makes just and brings the Spirit and the desire to do good external 
works, so it is only unbelief which sins and exalts the flesh and brings desire to do
evil external works. That's what happened to Adam and Eve in Paradise (cf. Genesis 3).”

Do not kid yourself that you can walk in purity and homosexuality at the same time.  Such is a disgrace and it is surely detestable to the Lord.  God does not receive you as you are.  It is like walking hand-in-hand with the world and Christ, or it is like walking hand-in-hand with Satan and Christ.  The Bible tells us that we are to have no fellowship with the world and Satan.  This is so because the world and Satan are diametrically opposed to the Lord Jesus who is the light of the world.  That is, He will not receive you in your life of sin.  But He seeks and saves that which is lost.  Your responsibility is to repent and trust Christ.  Sinners who have victory over sin can sing…

I lay my sins on Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all, and frees us from the accursed load: I bring my guilt to Jesus, to wash my crimson stains white in His blood most precious, till not a spot remains.

I lay my wants on Jesus; all fullness dwells in him; He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem: I lay my griefs on Jesus, my burdens and my cares; He from them all releases, He all my sorrows shares.

I rest my soul on Jesus, this weary soul of mine; His right hand me embraces, I on his breast recline.  I love the Name of Jesus, Immanuel, Christ, the Lord; Like fragrance on the breezes His name abroad is poured.

I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, mild; I long to be like Jesus, the Father’s holy Child; I long to be with Jesus amid the heavenly throng, to sing with saints his praises, to learn the angels’ song.   (Hymn 430).

Have you laid your sins of homosexuality, if you have committed it, on the Lord Jesus Christ?  Calvin wrote, “He calls those disgraceful passions, which are shameful even in the estimation of men, and redound to the dishonoring of God.”  Perhaps you have not committed it in action but in thought.  Whatever the case, there is mercy for you but you must ask for it through the crucified Savior and Redeemer.  Through Him you will become clean, and it will be wiped out as if it never happened.  God will deal with you through His Beloved Son, and there is no person in history that has never been through Christ and left without redemption and cleansing.  God surely accepts the perfect life and atoning death of the Lord Jesus in the place of His people.  His unified righteousness will be able to stand in your place before a holy God.  You see, because God is holy and righteous, He rightly has wrath that comes from His holiness and righteousness upon sin.  Sin is no small matter.  It is an eternal offense against the God who is superlatively holy.  People are not by nature holy.  People are by nature thoroughly depraved.  People are in desperate need of a perfect Savior who can save perfectly.   The Lord Jesus saved every person in history He intended to save up to this point.  I do not know who will be the last person whom He will save but He saves without frustrating the Father’s will.  What He does is from the will of the Father through the Lord Jesus by His Spirit.  I hope there are many more that He intends to save, and I suspect that there is.  But what I say at this point is, “Lord whatever seems good to You.”  For He is all-wise and all-holy, and I know that I will do much better in giving Him the honor to decide rather then forcing evangelical universalism upon divine Scripture. 
Let us understand the story of the chalkmarks.  “A little girl, coming home from her first day at school, asked her mother where the marks on the blackboard went when they were rubbed out.  The mother answered that they disappear.  “But where do they disappear to?” the little girl questioned.  “They vanish,” her mother told her.  “But where do they vanish to? The child insisted. But though the mother used all the words she knew to explain she did not seem to make it clear to the child.  This is like that which God has done with our sins.  He goes so far as to say that He, Who is all knowledge, will remember our sins against us no more (Heb. 10:17).”  (BTI, pg. 53).
As we have seen in 1 Corinthians, God will not let the wicked into heaven.  They have defiled themselves in the presence of God.  For His presence is always there.  There is never a time when His presence is not there.  Now, dear Christian, let us understand the reality of the way of Christ:  He brings people out of these kinds of sinners because He is the sinner-Seeker.  He saves the sinner from himself and from the wrath of God.  He gives the sinner eternal life and it is absolutely abundant.  He will never forsake the sinner, nor will He abandon the sinner to face temptation alone.  1 Corinthians says, “And such were some of you.”  That is, these people who suffer the sins of these particular miseries have a sure hope of redemption.  For they have laid hold of the hope of eternal life.  It is by grace from start to finish and in everyway possible.  These people came out of their pit of darkness and learned faithful repentance.  This faithful repentance is key to a life of living for Christ.  And as we saw the chalk on the chalkboard vanish we should think of this blessed verse, “But you were washed, but were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God.”  Yet even the chalk analogy fails because there is still raiment left from the chalk.  But with the washing of our sins there is nothing left because we have been through the blood of Christ.  Baptism does not wash our sins away.  Rather it is Christ alone that washes our sins away.  Some of the church fathers held that it was baptism that washed our sins away.  I shall not add to His work.  For I know it is Christ alone that washes His people clean from the defilement of sin.  Surely though baptism by immersion identifies us with Christ and shows we have been washed by His precious blood.  Christ died for His people and the Blessed Spirit applies the work of Christ to His people.  What a picture Christians have with our Lord Jesus Christ!  He will not lead you into the sin of your past, nor will He tempt you with it.  He is faithful and true and His word says, “It is I; be of good courage.”   What greater encouragement could we have!  What great protection Christians have because of Him who died, and who now lives, and intercedes for His people!
If you have not placed your trust in the Savior, I urge you today to believe in Him.  Forsake the ways of sin, and leave your life of sin.  Be awakened to the reality of God’s law and His ways of morality.  Live a life of repentance and faith.  Time is running out.  Our prayer for you is to believe the Lord Jesus and live a life of holiness for His glory.  It can be done. 

Let’s pray…

“Lord Jesus, give us minds and hearts to live our lives in the way that you did.  For You are holy and good and pure.  You were never engaged in homosexuality or any kind of sin.  May we take Your example in all things and live in the way that You lived to bring glory to You, the Father and the Spirit.  Amen.”

The Support of Hallowed Scripture

                  Jesus Himself supports the Bible as the very voice of God and the very Word of God (Matt. 4:4).  God did not write the Bible from His own hand.  It did not fall from heaven.  Rather, Scripture was written by human authors.  Each author has his own style.  Each author has his own usage of words.  Each author has a unique highlighting.  It pleased God to rightly use men of God to accomplish His appointed task.  It does not devoid the Bible of any spiritual substance to concede it was penned by God’s special people.  Human beings wrote Scripture, but does this mean it should not be called the voice of God?  We must remain truthfully consistent and consistently truthful about how to respond to this question. 
             The Bible claims to be God’s Word.  It is titled the Word of God due to its claim.  The authors of Scripture did not write their subjective opinions.  Rather, the words of Scripture are divinely inspired.  God Himself inspired Scripture.  Scripture is not man speaking, but ultimately God speaking to man.  The final source of Scripture is God Himself.  The Scripture is of God and from God through the instrument of holy, God-appointed men.  The prophets of old began with Thus saith the Lord.  Jesus Himself prayed unto His Father concerning His truth.  Jesus believed the very authority of God’s Word.  The inspired Word also refers to God the Holy Spirit’s superintended production of Scripture.  The Spirit of truth directed God’s appointed to write the Word of God.  But God did not dictate His Word.  The dictation theory is denied concerning inspiration.  The Spirit of truth speaks through the human authors; it is truly God’s word. 
God’s beloved church of Christians believe not only in the inspiration of Scripture but also the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture.  Is God a liar?  Does God inspire falsehood?  The answer to these questions is in the negative.  No, God is completely truthful and trustworthy.  His Word is truly trustworthy and trustworthy in truthfulness.  The Bible is without error because God inspired and superintended it.  Inerrancy is affirmed in knowing the translations are subject to error.  We know the original manuscripts were totally correct.  Every statement of Scripture could be true or false.  For example, Satan told Eve she would not die (Gen. 3:4).  Is this statement true?  Of course not!  Because of Eve’s decision, her life resulted in death.  The consequence of sin is physical death and spiritual death.  The statement of Satan is false, because it came from him in falsehood and deception, but it is still historically true that Satan deceived Eve.  The message is divinely preserved and trustworthy. 
                    If God inspired and superintended His Word, it is certain He has a divine artifact of history that is worthy and credible of rightful acceptance.  There is a totality of sixty-six books of Scripture.  These sixty-six books are considered canonical books.  All of the books of the Protestant canon are God’s Word.  God purposed these books as His Word.  The church received these books from God Himself.  The books we have in the Old and New Testament are God-appointed and God-ordained.  It pleased God to ordain and appoint sixty-six books to speak as His inerrant, inspired word; the sole infallible and final authority for faith, morals and conduct.

Spiritual Discernment

                Spiritual foolishness of depraved men subverts his ways (Proverbs 19:3), but that which is truly spiritual discernment is actually of the Spirit of truth and illumination:

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor. 2:12-16 KJV).

No Thwarted Purpose of God

                Some of the characteristics of the purposes of God are irresistible (Is. 14:26-27) irreversible (Jer. 4:28) and no purpose of God can be withheld from Him (Job 42:2).  It pleased God to purpose His word in sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament.

The New Testament

                The Gospel of Matthew is the first gospel in the New Testament.  Eusebius refers to the inscription of early manuscripts, according to Matthew.  Matthew is referred to as a tax collector (Matt. 9:9), he is called Levi (Mark 2:14) and selected as an apostle (Matt. 10:2-3).  Matthew is a God-appointed disciple (Acts 1:13). 
Paul is approved by Jesus Himself (Acts 9:1-19; 10-18).  The writings of Paul are therefore acceptable.  It includes the epistle of Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.  The author of Hebrews, although uncertain, could be Apollos or Paul.  Apollos was approved (Acts 18:24-28; 1 Cor. 1:12) and we know Paul was acceptable. 
Paul approves Mark (2 Tim. 4:11); the Gospel of Mark is acceptable.  Paul approves Luke (Col. 4:14); the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are acceptable.  John is appointed as an apostle (Matt. 10:2).  Jesus Himself approves of the apostle John; therefore the Gospel of John, First, Second and Third John and the book of Revelation are up to standard. 
Peter himself is approved by Jesus (John 1:42).  Therefore First and Second Peter are acceptable epistles of the New Testament.  Jesus approved of James (1 Cor. 15:7; James 1:1) and Jude (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3) as being a bondservant of Jesus Christ (Jude 1:1). 

The Old Testament

Jesus Himself affirms the writings of Moses (John 5:46-47).  The writings of Moses are acceptable.  Jesus affirms Old Testament writings (Luke 24:44) and “all the Scriptures” (Luke 24:27 NKJV).  Jesus is the impeccable Incarnate historian.  The commentary of Jesus must be accepted as fact; for Jesus is Incarnate Truth.

The Approval of the Father Concerning God the Son

                The voice of the Father proclaims, “…This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  (Matt. 3:17 NKJV).  At the transfiguration of Jesus Christ the Father said, “…This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  Hear Him!”  (Matt. 17:5 NKJV).

The Approval of God the Word

                The approval of the gospel of Christ (Gen. 3:15), the birth of Jesus (Is. 7:14) and His mission to atone for sin for His chosen (Is. 53:4-12).  Jesus Himself testifies of the seal of approval He has from God (John 6:27).

The Approval of God the Spirit

                John the Baptist (approved, Is. 40:3) spoke of the Holy Ghost descending upon Jesus Christ (Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:10; John 1:32; Acts 10:38).  The sign of God the Holy Spirit is the Messiahship of Jesus of Nazareth.  The baptism of Jesus Christ involved all three distinct persons of the Godhead.  The baptism of believers’, involves a Trinitarian formula (Matt. 28:19).


The Bible is a collection of God-Breathed books:  “All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17 NIV). 
           Indeed, Sacred Writ is inspired, inerrant, infallible, clear, sufficient and efficacious whether people care to acknowledge this precious truth of God or not. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Is Freemason Revelation Authentic?

1Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said,
2"Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
3And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
5"But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, "Whatever I have that would help you has been given to God,"
6he is not to honor his father or his mother.' And by this you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition (Matthew 15:1-6 NASB).

The divine Scriptures clearly teach a message of binding on the conscience because of the nature of Scripture itself and the testimony of Christ about Scripture.  We can say that it is truly timeless unlike any book because the nature of Scripture is immutable.  Christ supports the Scripture as being the divine Word of God.  Christ is the Incarnate Word of God, and the Scriptures are the written Word of God: alive and active.  May people submit to Scripture where we can plainly see the depths and riches of the Word of the King!  Scripture speaks of the Words of Christ as nothing less then the Word of God.  When Christ speaks, we can be absolutely sure that it is God’s special revelation to man.  Let’s turn to the words of the divine Word where we see Christ rebuking the Pharisees and scribes.  They came to Him, and He is the Living Incarnate Word.  They inquired about His very disciples who broke the tradition of the elders.  Christ is the Incarnate Head and Master of His disciples.  His disciples look to Him to understand truth.  We should look to Him to understand truth.  We sho0uld not look to other religions.  It was not that Christ simply had a different opinion then the Pharisees and scribes, but what He spoke is the literal Word of God.  All of Scripture is the literal Word of God, and it is to be treated as such.  To say it is the literal Word of God is not to say we pervert Scripture but claim what it actually is: a noun as a noun, a hyperbole as a hyperbole, a parable as a parable, etc.  God has really spoken, and it is exclusively in His Word.  As Christ is exclusively the divine Savior, and there is no other Savior (Acts 4:12), so too, is the Christian Bible exclusively God’s only true revelation.
They referred to the disciples of Christ who did not wash their hands.  Christ did not practice the traditions of the Pharisees and scribes.  He believed and practiced the Law of God in the Word of God.  Christ was asked a question, and He responded with a question.  The holy and blessed way of Christ is to refute, rebuke and rightly counter His opponents.  Christ answered them, and spoke the way of His Holy Father.  His response was not merely like other teachers, but He spoke the Words from His Father in heaven.  His Words are priceless, pure, divine and matchless.  Here Christ stands for the Word of God.  But what Word did He defend here?  He defended the Word of His Father, the very Scripture themselves (seen in the Old Testament).  Christ answered by saying you sin against God because of your tradition.  Here tradition is elevated above Scripture.  The right way is Scripture over any man-made tradition.  A tradition of men believes that man is basically good.  Scientology is a clear example of adhering to man-made tradition over against the clear testimony of Scripture (Romans 3ff). 
Christ refutes them with a divine question, from the very lips of Incarnate Deity.  He immediately goes to what God said.  Christ believed that Scripture is God speaking to man, for He said “For God said…”  He refers to what divine Scriptures say, and contrasts what they say that is in explicit error.  They nullified the Scriptures for the sake of their tradition.  There are biblical traditions and unbiblical traditions.  Here Christ draws attention to their unbiblical tradition, and He uses the Word of God to counter their position.  Will you believe God, or will you believe what man has said?  Choose this day who you will serve: God or man.  Unbiblical traditions are seen in Freemasonry.  To honor a “holy” book of Islam is to dishonor Scripture.  To be apart of a group that honors the Koran as divine Scripture is a stench in the nostrils of God; for it dishonors God.  Did Christ honor book of other religions as divine Scripture?  You will never find an example of such a perversion.  To deny the deity of Christ is to deny your soul salvation in heaven.  To believe that special revelation is something more then sacred Scripture is to rest your hopes on the inspiration of man rather then the inspiration of God.  Rest your hearts and hopes on holy Writ alone: submit to the Christ of Scripture. 
Their tradition was to ceremonially wash their hands.  It clearly invalidated the Word of God.  It seems to our minds that ceremonially washing one’s hands is merely a small matter.  But as small as this may seem, it was a mortal sin against God and His holy Word.  If washing one’s hands caused Christ to rebuke them, and refer them to the Scriptures as a divine and heavenly correction, how much more does the traditions of mixed standards of authority, doctrines that speaks of the goodness of man, and denial in practice of the Triune God enrage the God of the Bible whom people claim to “serve” with their lips but deny Him by what they practice?  How much more do their doctrines enrage the God of Scripture?  Christ proclaimed that there would be people who honored Him with their lips, and yet their hearts were far from Him.  But the wise man is the man who puts into practice the things King Jesus has declared.  Man is attracted to the religiousness of man-made designs that leads to bondage of the soul.  Good works are done, not out of love for the all-sufficient Savior, but to merit heaven.  Such works end in dust, and are equal to filthy rages.  No human works of men will avail before God.  Eternal life, in truth is a gift, not to be earned.  The tenets of Freemasonry deny essentials truths found in holy Writ.
Only the merit and righteousness and worthiness of Christ alone avail in the place of His elect people only.  Your works are tainted with sin.  How, then, will you stand before a holy and just God who demands perfect righteousness?  Turn to Islam, and you get the teaching to adhere to the law to save us.  Turn to Hinduism, and you must practice yoga to break reincarnation.  The schemes of men to enter heaven are at best deception and at worst end in the second death.  The man-made religions of men are inventions of human free will, and the pride of man rises because they foolishly think they control their destinies.  Different revelations provide different teachings that create foolish muddled teachings on matters of religion.  Understand the Word of God as the sole infallible source for life, morals and faith.  To understand Scripture properly, one must interpret Scripture by Scripture:  Scripture interprets Scripture.  The ancient church fathers and the very Reformers themselves taught this sacred truth.  What is implicit in Scripture must be interpreted in light of the explicit in Scripture.  The explicit meaning of Scripture is not to be apart of approving or honoring other books of religion. 
To bring an assumption of all religions serving the God of Masonry is to misrepresent the God of the Bible.  The presumption of Masonry is that all religions that are represented must be honored the same as the Bible.  But I ask you: do you not realize the sacred artifact of history you read and know as the divine Word of God?  It is far more then the errant pages of Islam, or the ways of Hinduism.  It is the priceless truth, and it is the matchless Word.  As Christ Himself is unlike any prophet, for He was the Incarnate prophet, so too, is the Word of God:  it is not comparable to books of other religions.  Christ believed and taught that Scripture is the Word of God.  He believed the Scriptures were unbreakable, inerrant, infallible and divine.  Go to the divine Scriptures to understand religious truth, and embrace it as if your life depended upon it.  Don’t be like Herod who liked the things of God, and yet hated Christ, and wanted to kill Him.  No, believe the Word and practice it.  Honor the Word the way Christ did.  He loved the Word of God for He was the Word of God.  Do you suppose He loved the “holy” books of religions of men?  No, Christ detests books of the evil one, but He loves the Word, for it is pure. 
What true Christians know about Christianity has been revealed to us by God Himself.  The God of the holy Scriptures has revealed to us in an unveiling matter in His holy, blessed and heavenly written Word of God.  To reveal something involves something in which is concealed.  This is the same thing in our knowledge of God.  Speculation about God’s knowledge is fool’s errand.  If Christians wish to know God Himself, believers must rely on the product from the source in what God says about Himself.  Holy Scripture demonstrates that the Triune God reveals Himself in a variety of ways.  But God does not reveal Himself through the revelation of other religions.  He has not set-up a religion where men of all faiths can believe a worldly system of views.  His ways of doing things are not the ways of human beings.  He has a Word, and it is both Old and New Testaments alone.  Scripture did not fall from heaven but was rightly written by holy men of old. 
God exhibits His glory and majesty through creation.  Even the God of Masonry is not the God of creation, for Scriptures speaks of the God of creation revealed in the sacred pages of holy Writ.  Holy Writ provides the only true Word about the true God of creation.  The God of creation is the God of the Bible, and the God of the Bible is the God of creation.  God has unveiled Himself through visions and dreams.  The marking of His providence is demonstrated in the scripts of history.  God has revealed Himself in sacred Scripture in and through time in His chosen inerrant Scriptures.  The peak of God’s most heavenly revelation is found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Theologians call the peak of God’s revelation, the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.  No prophet can compare with this divine Nazarene.  God has revealed Himself in various ways (Heb. 1:1-2). 
The holy Scriptures identifies various ways in which God Himself unveiled Himself.  There are two distinct types of revelation: general revelation and special revelation.  General revelation tells the people of the earthly knowledge that God subsists, exists or is real.  Romans 1:18-23 speaks to the truthful reality that there are no real atheists.  To which God do you owe allegiance?  Do you owe allegiance to the true God of Holy Scripture?  Surrender to Him alone.  The God revealed in creation is Creator, and the God revealed in Scripture is Creator and Redeemer.  General revelation in creation does not provide a complete revelation of God Himself.  General revelation does not provide us with God as Redeemer as is explicitly revealed in divine Scripture.  We discover God as Redeemer in Scripture.  Do other “sacred” books show the true Christ, and do they provide revelation as the Christian Bible?  Scripture has the presence of Christ as Redeemer, and creation has the absence of Christ as Redeemer, but a sure fact of God being Creator.  The God of general revelation is the same God revealed in Scripture.  Scripture tells us about the God Who Created.  God created all things, yet He does not redeem all people.  Religions speak of God being the Almighty Creator.  But the divine remedy for sin is vastly different when compared to biblical Christianity. 

1Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
2And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry.
3And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread."
5Then the devil took Him into the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple,
6and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written,
7Jesus said to him, "On the other hand, it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.'"
8Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;
9and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."
10Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'"
11Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.  (Matthew 4:1-11 NASB).

What book did the Lord Jesus Christ (the Sinless Incarnate King) turn too?  Was it to the Koran?  It was not around at that time but if it was, would Christ have turned to it?  Or was it to books of other ancient religions?  Tell me, what book did He turn to?  What source did He use to rebuke and subdue Satan?  He turned to the matchless and Holy Word of God.  He turned to the pure Word, “And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times” (Psalm 12:6 NASB).  God’s Word is flawless.  What, then, is equal to it?  What depths of divinity, what purity of words, what sense of awe, and what truth it brings!  What is the highest example we ought to take?  Isn’t the Lord Jesus Christ the greatest example we can follow?  You believe that He is a great moral teacher.  If this is so, why do you not heed what He says when He turns to rebuke Satan?  Isn’t it sinful to do what is contrary to what Jesus did?  Doesn’t He show you by what the Word of God says: that He revered the divine Scripture as not a book among many books, but the book of all books, the book that brings life to a dead soul?  Have you not read?    “…MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD” (Matthew 4:4 NASB).  It is the Word of God alone that is the foundation of all Christian belief.  It is the Word of God alone that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  It is the Word of God alone that binds the heart and mind of a human being.  It is the Word of God alone that was written by holy men of God by the power of God the Spirit.  It is the Word of God alone that is the Sword of the Spirit.  It the Word of God alone that brings a life-changing and transforming heart!  Is it the Word of God alone that can sufficiently counter Satan?  We even see Satan himself turn to the Word of God.  Why?  Even he knows it is the ultimate authority.  He turns to it because he knows that Christ is its Author, and he turns to it to try to manipulate Jesus Christ.  Satan knows that the divine Word of God is sufficient for faith, life and morals.  This is the reason he turns to it; not that he really believes it, but because he knows it is the sole infallible authority for Christ, and he turns to get the Lord Jesus Omnipotent to sin, but he utterly fails, and his ways end in defeat.  It is by the Word of God alone that Christ defeats Satan.
Like Satan some human beings interpret Scripture but they do so wrongly.  Satan is an angel of light, and according to the Craft in passing, he is highly exalted by Albert Pike.[i]  This author submits that Freemasonry is heavily engaged in nature worship.[ii]  Turn to Christ Who defeated Satan, and you will find Christ in the spotless written Word of God.  As the Spirit was with, upon and in Jesus Christ as He went into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, so too, is the divine and personal Holy Ghost solely inspired the supernatural Scriptures, and the Spirit of protection is surely with His beloved people.  But when Satan tempts the Lord Jesus He always goes to sacred Scripture.  Do you always go to sacred Scripture as Jesus did?  To always go to Scripture means that you do not revere and honor errant books of religions that are devoid of the Spirit of trustworthiness, truth and total perfection.  Turning to the book of all books alone is to honor the Christ of Scripture.  Honor, then, this Christ of Scripture Who took the place of His people.  Do you suppose you honor Him by avoiding His deity, and putting other books of religion along side of the sacred Book of Scripture?  The question is, if the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth, Authored the Christian Bible alone; doesn’t this conclusively prove without a shadow of a doubt that the Christian Bible should be trusted and revered alone?  We see Christ who turned to the Scripture; for did He not say?  "On the other hand, it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST” (Matthew 4:7 NASB). And He said, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY” (Matthew 4:10 NASB).  The Old Testament was not a collection of books that did not have primary authority in the ministry and teaching of Jesus Christ.  Rather the Old Testament has primary and ultimate authority on matters of faith.  When we look to the Old Testament we see God-Breathed Scripture, and ultimately God speaking to man.  This is so vitally important.  If you understand that Scripture is God speaking to man, you shall understand its eternal importance!  The divine Word alone can bind the conscience of depraved man.  Christ turns to Scripture to rebuke Satan, and give the most glory to God.  Let us remember this precious truth of Scripture, and model ourselves after the great Incarnate Savior-King.  It shows that the Words of Scripture are clear to use to rebuke Satan, sufficient to withstand attack, and ultimate in authority in matters of faith, life and morals. 

In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures (James 1:18 NASB).

Christ brought His apostles forthwith by the Word of truth.  Christ is the Living Incarnate Truth.  He is the Incarnate Word of Truth.  He speaks the truthful Words from God, and no one can compare with His matchless Words of truth.  The Spirit of God is the Author of Truth.  The Father is the Author of Truth.  Therefore the Trinity is the Author of Truth.  But God the Father did not become man, nor did the Holy Spirit.  God was manifested in human flesh as Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity.  He is the God-man who speaks absolute truth.  There was no man in history that spoke like Jesus spoke.  He spoke with divine authority, and purpose.  Christ worshipped God perfectly by His mind in exalting the truth of God by what He spoke, did and thought.  And the apostles were confirmed by the truth.  God the Father through His Beloved Son granted His people to be born from above by the Word of truth.  The Word of truth is what changes the heart of stone.  What other religious book could do this perfectly, and sufficiently?  God changes the heart by the Spirit of God and the Word of God, the Word of truth.  This is done under the control of the God-man.  No other book of man can change the heart of stone except that which is God-Breathed.  The Bible is the all-powerful Word of God because God inspired it.  God also superintended the Holy Bible.  Other religions have the appearance of divine Scripture but the Christian Bible has the actuality of divine Scripture.  What other does God call the Word of truth?  Tell me, what greater gift can God grant to a hopeless sinner then a changed heart?  Out of all the important things in life this is the most important.  But how it is done?  It is done by the Spirit of God and the Word of God.  The Word of God is nothing less then the Word of Truth.  The Word of Truth nourishes the soul.  Christians stood on the Word of Truth as their sure foundation and support.  The Christian whom God has bore does not turn to man’s ways of revelation but to the Scriptures because of the internal testimony of the Spirit of God as the Westminster Catechism states, and because Scripture is true.  Put your faith in the Word of Truth to experience the truth and rest in the truth.  Pilate asked “What is truth?”  We must turn to the Word incarnate and hear His Words of truth.  The Word of truth is the Christian Bible.

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12 NASB).

The Word of God divinely penetrates the soul and heart of man.  It is the living and active Word of God.  The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.  It is the weapon of the Christian.  It is powerful, effective, supernatural.  What word of man can compare to this reality of truth?  What “Scripture of man’s religion” is sharper then any two-edged sword?  How is it that God speaks of His word as His own, and man uses other standards of revelation?  How man should revere the divine Scripture, and make it incomparable with other books and precious to their hearts!  The Word of God reveals sin, and judges the hearts and minds of the sons of men.  Be faithful to the Word of God, and God will be pleased with you.  But disobedience to the Word of God is disobedience to God Himself.  The Word of God penetrates the most deepest parts of the human soul.  The Word of truth judges the thoughts and intentions of the human heart.  No word can convict, radically change, provide spiritual life then the Living Word of God.

The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting (Ps. 119:160 NASB).

The sum and total of God’s Word is truth.  All of Scripture, from the period, to the comma, to the sentences and paragraphs are God-Breathed.  God superintended to preserve His Word.  If God’s Word is truth, it follows that God has a Word, and that it is eternal.  So, then, God’s Word is eternally preserved.  It will be studied in heaven.  The depths and riches of Scripture will never be exhausted.  It is man’s follies that he supposes his ways of revelation are true, but we must remember that God’s Word is sufficient, true and totally divine.  What “sacred” book of man’s religion is like this?

The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple (Ps. 19:7 NASB).

God’s law is everlasting because His Word is timeless.  God’s law shows the character of God.  It shows God’s whole revelation to human beings.  His law is perfect, without spot, blemish, without wrinkle. The law of God restores and revives the soul.  The Lord has made this an absolute surety.  The Word of God is the believer’s surety.  God makes the simple wise.  What book of man can be called perfect truth?  Turn to the perfect Word of Truth; how timeless, how precious; how eternal; how holy and pure!  Submit to the Word of Perfection and live spiritually.  Live by the Word of God alone, and please the Trinity of Truth and Perfection.  Be submissive to the Word of Perfection, and honor God’s Word today by living a life of obedience to Word and will.  What teachings from the book of man will avail before the Incarnate Judge on Judgment Day?  What supposed revelation will God call perfect and will avail before His holy throne? 

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him (Proverbs 30:5 KJV).

How do we know that Scripture is pure?  God speaks in His Word and thusly declares His Word pure.  But what is the extent of this holy purity?  The purity of God’s word is every Word of God.  The divine Scriptures contain every Word of God.  And every Word of God is pure.  Based on the purity of God’s Word we see its unity and purpose.  We see that the belief in Scripture is the peace of God.  
The characteristic of the divine Word is purity.  The pure Word of God is tried and reliable.  It is reliable because it is infallible.  The Word of God is self-attesting and self-authenticating yet it is not left with internal and external evidence of it being true.

If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken… (John 10:35 KJV).

The Christian Bible refers to God as the Author of divine Scripture.  The meaning of “the Scripture cannot be broken” means scripture is infallible.  What book of man’s religion is infallible, and to which book is He the Author?  This is the view of Jesus on divine Scripture.  If we turn to Jesus, we see the Sinless King using Scripture as the sole infallible authority.  He refers back to Scripture in a place of Scripture saying “Have you not read…?”  He rightly and divinely presumes the clarity and perpetuity of divine Writ.  Look to the Scripture and understand that Christ is saying that the Bible is matchless.  We must submit to Scripture because it can rightly correct us.  Human beings are always in need of correction.  The Word of God provides correction because it is God-Breathed.  It is trustworthy and inspired.  The Bible is true and authoritative that it commands our obedience.  It is not done in an arrogant way; for it is God speaking to man.  If it was man speaking to man, claiming divine authority, then it would be arrogant.  Isn’t this exactly what Freemasonry does?  When we turn to Scripture we see the Word of God as truth and wisdom because God speaks through His Word.  God exercises His rule over His beloved people.  His does this for His blessed glory and for the edification of His people.  Divine Scripture is the exercise of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over His beloved saints.  Turn to the God-Breathed Scriptures.  In it you will by God’s grace set it apart from the words of humanity.  For Holy Write is “…God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).
                We have seen that man’s tradition should not be place above Scripture.  We have seen that Christ Himself used Scripture in the highest and purest way in rebuking Satan.  We have seen that Scripture is the Word of God, the Word of Truth, the perfect Word of God, the purest Word of God, only Word of God that it is infallible.  The error of man is the affirmation of honoring other books of men, elevating it as God’s Word and dishonoring the matchless Word of God.  It is in the Word of God that we find ourselves seeing God in redemptive history. 
God is at work in His creation.  He created by the power of His Word.  He spoke and it was.  This is the utter powerfulness of God’s Word.  No other word has the power of God’s Word.  We should turn to Scripture as the only true Word of God.  It is far from the teaching of Christianity that other books of religion should be revered.  We saw Pope John Paul II revere the Koran.  Such activity flies in the face of the divine Word of Good and what it teaches.  It teaches the ways of God.  The ways of God are not the ways of mankind.  His thoughts are not your thoughts.  His words are the farthest from your hearts.  This is because of the fallen nature of man. 
Sin will be punished in hell.  Hell is a real place.  If your revelation is theologically wrong, it is likely your system of theology will be in error.  Your soul is eternally at stake.  The divine remedy for sin is through the crucified God-man.  He commands people to repent for nullifying His divine, truthful and inerrant Word.  Scripture interprets itself, and this is the divine principle of the Reformation and from Scripture itself.  Turn, mediate and memorize the Word of God, and trust it as a gift from God so you may believe, and be forgiven.  Understand the sinner’s need for the unified, perfect righteousness of Christ imputed to them by faith alone.  We are sure of the promises of God in salvation because of His unchanging Word.  Will you submit, then, to His unchanging message of faith and repentance to the great Incarnate Light revealed exclusively in His preserved Word?

…the Bible, so rich in symbolism, is itself a symbol…It is a sovereign symbol of the Book of Faith, the Will of God as man has learned it in the midst of the years…Thus, by the very honor which Masonry pays to the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith…joining hands with the man of Islam as he takes oath on the Koran, and with the Hindu as he makes covenant with God upon the book that he loves best.[iii]

This dark world in and of itself offers no certainty of divine truth but muddled thinking, worldly philosophies, religious absurdness and superstitious thinking.  It is a world that comprises of various understandings that do not avail before God as being divinely true, authentic, biblical and compatible with revealed revelation in Christianity found solely in the divine Word (both Old and New Testaments).  Turning to other “revelations” of this spiritually perverse world fails to submit to true revelation.  But this true revelation did not emerge from this world nor did it come from the prince of the power of the air.  Rather true revelation came from the God of all truth and grace.  Think of the revelation of the enemies of ancient Israel.  Do you think the Hebrews led by Moses accepted the revelation of their opposing enemies?  Would Moses accept the revelation of Balaam?  Would David accept the revelation of the Philistines?  Would Jesus Christ accept the revelation of the scribes and Pharisees in their traditions of men?
This God of truth and grace in divine Scripture is not the God of Freemasonry but it is the God of the Reformed faith.  He is found in the sacred pages of divine Scripture; He is the Truth itself.  He is not a God Who is of Masonry but He is the God who is divinely triune.  The God of Masonry is not the God who breathed out the Word.  The different God of Masonry brings different revelation, and a vastly different understanding of the sacred Scriptures.  Does God reveal Himself as the Lord in other sources of knowledge in Kabalistic doctrines?  Is the God who inspired falsehood worthy of trust?  Christians know God-breathed out the Word of God. The Word of God is not found in the Quran, but in the holy pages of the Christian Bible alone (the Protestant canon), nor is it found in the books of Jezirah, in Sohar nor in the teachings of Zoroaster.  Submit to true divine revelation, walk with God and live in peace with Him.  But those who submit to Masonry revelation in a life-long matter will lend themselves to the second death: eternal hell. 
                If the Bible is treated as any other religious book, it degrades the Bible, because the Bible is divine rather then human in origin.  It is the very Word of God and Voice of God.  It is ultimately God speaking to man.  No other book is like the Bible in terms of being a holy book from God.  There are other books that claim to be a holy book from God but in reality the Bible is solely the authentic Word of God.  Turn to the Christian Bible and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Other alleged genuine revelations do not provide a harmonious presentation of divine truth taken as a whole, but it lends to confusion, false theologies of God, His nature, the impeccable nature of His Word and the nature of soteriology.  These matters of faith and life are hardly trifling but the very eternal destiny of the soul is at stake.  If you wish to be zealous; be zealous in repenting and turning from the sin of Masonry revelation, surrender to the supremacy of the divine Word of God.  Lingering in sin is no small matter, and repentance toward the Trinity is well-pleasing to God, and He gets great glory from it, because it is from His Spirit and His Word who gives His people grace. 
                No Christian can submit to an organization that uses the Quran as a holy book from God.  The Christian has his heart hanging on the Words of His Lord and Savior.  The written Word of God is not simply Words from men but it is the living and active Word.  It is the Word of grace that changes the heart; it is the Word of patience and comfort; it is the Word of power by the Holy Spirit; it is the Word of conviction of sin.  Therefore it is nothing less then the all-encompassing Word of God, wholly sufficient in all respects.  The Christian does not hang on the Word of another that is foreign to the sacred text of Scripture.  No Christian can submit to the ways of Freemasonry who embrace the ways of a Hindu. It is impossible for the Christian to submit to these ways; and at the same time serve His God in good conscience.  Do you not want to live in good conscience before men and God?  If you claim to be a Christian, and you are a Mason, consider the Words of the Incarnate Savior.  He is the Truth Itself, and He speaks the truth: submit, then, to Him and heed what He says.  Turn away from your traditions, and embrace the truth of God’s Word.  Masons who submit to other “revelations” is sin; it bears the bad fruit of adhering to spiritual irrationality.  The Christian Bible does not teach that we are to revere other holy books.  Suppose as a Christian you claim to adhere to the Bible, and you participate in a religious group that has people of different faiths adhering to their sacred book.  You have compromised the faith of Christianity because you are saying that the Bible is not matchless.  You are saying by being a Freemason, “Your book is as good as mine.”  Understand that the Bible is matchless, true, and divinely unique.  As the birth of Christ is matchless and no other birth can compare, so too, is the Book of the true Christian people.  God-breathed out His Word as is seen in the Old and New Testament.  Let’s turn to what Jesus did when tradition interfered with God’s divine Word.
The Prevailing Masonic opinion is that the Bible is the only symbol of Divine Will, Law or Revelation, and not that it contents are Divine Law, inspired, or revealed. So far, no responsible authority has held that a Freemason must believe the Bible or any part of it.[iv]

Is the Bible believable and true?  Does the Bible alone contain God’s divine and authentic law?  Is it inspired and did God produce an authentic revelation?  This author submits to you that special revelation is contained in the Christian Bible alone.  It is true.  It is inspired.  It is the very Word of Christ Jesus the Incarnate King!  The holy Scripture of the Christian Bible is known to be vox Dei (the “voice of God”) or verbum Dei (the “Word of God”).  When theologians call the Christian Bible the “Word of God” we do not mean that it was God’s own literal hand that wrote it or that it came from the presence of heaven.  The holy Scriptures communicates to us many authors.  In a cautious hermeneutical study theologians notice that each human author has his own style, usage of words, unique emphasis and standpoint.  Scripture never contradicts Scripture but it is on harmonious and unanimous content of truth.
Let Masonry understand:  other “holy” books of revelation are not like the Bible in that the Bible is set apart; it is holy and it is sacred.  Believe, then, that the books of the Bible alone are true, and they are reliable.  What, oh man, will you say to the Incarnate Judge on that dreadful day?  Your words will not be voiced but dread and terror will be what you experience.  As Christ said, “have you not read...?”  You are responsible to heed what Scripture says.  Is it not true that you do not know the power of God and the sacred Scriptures?  Escape judgment, and heed the Words of the Savior.  Believe in the matchless Savior from His matchless Word. 
Why do theologians call the Bible the “Word of God”?  This is vitally important because if Masonry would understand true revelation it would be a drastic step in arriving at divine truth.  Having the Scriptures does not mean necessarily that interpreters will arrive at the author’s intended meaning unless a true and thorough interpretation is achieved.  But if people would only realize the divine treasure of truth that the Scriptures are, and how they should not reject the truth already revealed in the Holy Book of Christ.  Why is it necessary to have other books of revelation?  Isn’t the Scripture the prize of Christ, and didn’t Christ have the ultimate and true view of Scripture?  Shouldn’t that move our hearts to accept it alone as true special revelation from God?  And if it doesn’t, what does that say about our hearts?  The holy Scripture is called the Word of God because of its proclamation about itself, and that it is shown to be divine rather then human in origin because there is divine evidence to support it as such.
Let Masonry understand: the words of the human authors from Scripture were alone inspired by God.  The other books of religions show themselves to be historically novel or inaccurate, a loss of “Thus says the Lord,” and contradictory understandings of divine truth; to name a few.  The human authors of the Bible did not simply state their own views independent from God the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.  Nor did the authors write in conformity with other religions of the world (e.g., Christ is the Only Son of the Father).  A surface level examination of religions of the world, reveal that they are not harmonious but vastly different and contradictory.  Paul, the apostle, wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God…”  The term inspiration refers to that which is “God-Breathed.”  God-Breathed out the holy Scriptures known as the Christian Bible.  Divine Writ is God communicating to us through the inspiration of the human authors by the Holy Spirit of God.  Scripture came to us through human authors.  Ultimately it is God speaking to man.  The Scripture show themselves to be God’s Word because the ancient, holy authors of holy Scripture rightly professed, “Thus says the Lord.”  Jesus, the divine Word of Life, proclaims and declared, “Scripture cannot be broken…”  (John 10:35).  It refers to the infallibility of Scripture.  He speaks of the complete truthfulness of God’s Word, “Your word is truth…”  (John 17:17).  If God’s Word is truth, it contains truthful statements from God through the pen of guided human authors by God Himself.  What divine evidence are there that other “holy” books were divinely inspired?  Do they offer truthful statements regarding divine truth?  Submit to the God-Breathed Word and learn real divine truth!  Under the question “Are the V.S.L. (Volume of Sacred Law) and the Book of the Law the same as the Bible?” it says,

In the Christian lands the holy book of the prevailing faith is the Great Light.  In American and English lodges that book is the Holy Bible.  A Masonic lodge cannot exist without the V.S.L., the Book of the Law.  But in the lands where there are other religions, the sacred book of those religions becomes their Great Light.  What is important is that some volume containing divine revelation be part of the furniture of the lodge.  Inasmuch as Freemasonry is not concerned with doctrine or dogma or sect or denomination, but only with “that natural religion in which all men agree” (Old Charges), it is only necessary that the V.S.L. be sacred to the members of the lodge.  The on American Altars is not to be considered only as a Christian or a Jewish sacred book; it is a symbol of the revealed will and teachings of the Great Architect of the Universe—a name under which any Freemason can worship that Deity in Whom he puts his faith and trust.[v]

How is it that “in Christian lands the holy book of the prevailing faith is the Great Light”?  Is it possible to be a Freemason and a Christian at the same time?  Is it consistent to hold to the tenets of Freemasonry and Christianity?  If someone is a Freemason my questions to him would be: are you ignorant of what Freemasonry teaches concerning matters of faith?  Or do you know what Freemasonry teaches about matters of faith?  If you are ignorant of what Freemasonry teaches, this author exhorts you to consider the truth of the matter.  If you claim you are a Christian, do you believe in the Triune God?  Freemasonry holds that their God is not necessarily a Trinity.  What makes Christianity what it is, is the Trinitarian nature of God.  Christianity is Trinitarianism.  To reject the Blessed and Holy Trinity is to reject divine and true revelation, and to forfeit your soul.  Do you consider the God of Christianity Baalim?  Freemasonry does!  We shall see what they teach on this in the next chapter.
                Who or what is the Great Light?  Is the Great Light really each person’s own religious text?  Is it divinely preserved?  But, again, who is the Great Light?  This author submits that the Great Light is not a person’s own, man-made religious text.  Rather the Great Light is the Lord Jesus Christ, and surely, only true revelation.  Christ is the Light of the World.  There is no Light that is the Supreme Light other then Jesus Christ.  He is the true Light of the World.  Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light.  His messengers of sin imitate Satan as angels of light.  Reprobate human beings masquerades themselves as persons of true light.  But in reality the messengers of true light are holy angels, and true saints.  Submit to the divine Scriptures because the Incarnate true Light bears witness that it alone is the true final authority.  Honor the divine Word as the Incarnate Word did.  Doesn’t Scripture tell us that Satan is mankind’s ultimate enemy?  Why entertain beliefs that he has endorsed?  Later we shall see who Freemasons worship: are you prepared to embrace the truth of Scripture about what Freemasons actually teach?  May God open your mind to understand His blessed truth!  Let’s continue to expound this vital issue. 
The God of Christianity is directly inferior to the God of Freemasonry.  The Great Architect of the Universe is alleged to be in all religions, but this God is clouded by personal beliefs in different religions.  The God of Christianity is approachable and knowable, but the God of the Craft is unknowable and unapproachable.  To serve a God who is unknowable and unapproachable is to serve a God who does not exist.  The God of Christianity is real and true, and we must serve Him because He is the God who is true and real.  This author understands that Masonry does not reject or embrace the Trinity, but Masonry places it in a class of small significance.  Yet the Craft teaches that the Trinity must be avoided, and Christian monotheism is incompatible with historic Christianity.  How is it if Christians can be Freemasons, that the Craft denies a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith?  You see, if one does not regard the Christian Bible as infallible and inerrant, it is likely that the doctrines in Scripture (provided by theologians in a systematic fashion) will be of small importance, and avoided.  How is this compatible with authentic Christianity?  To believe that the Trinity is of small importance is almost as bad as rejecting it, and avoiding the doctrine of the Trinity is almost as bad denying it.  But, again, respectfully this author maintains that Masonry denies it in practice. 
If the Christian Bible is placed with other books of religion it is showing dishonor to Scripture, and ultimately to God Himself.  Freemasonry is saying that other books of religion are just as important as the Bible is, and just as true.  If other books of religion show themselves to be inauthentic in terms history and matters of faith, and spiritually devoid of the Spirit of God, how, then, is it acceptable as the Christian Bible?  The God of Masonry does not provide a reliable understanding of divine truth.  That is, what it teaches is contrary to Scripture, and the historic Christian faith.  What of the acceptance of the possibility of attributing divinity to other figures of other religions?  Isn’t the divinity of Christ a unique and special doctrine that shows that only Jesus was the God-man?  How do you suppose you show honor to Christ by saying someone else could have been like Him?  Doesn’t the Father have an only Son?  Is not Jesus Christ the only Beloved Son of the Father? Was God the Father pleased in another?  How is it that the Scripture supports Jesus as the only Son of the Father; being well-pleased, and He always did what was pleasing to the Father, yet you say He was merely a great moral teacher, and leave the possibility open to apply divinity to Him, and equate Him with other figures of religion?  The divinity of Jesus is not a minor issue.  In fact, it is vitally essential to have eternal life.  No human being has eternal life if they say Jesus was merely a great moral teacher.  But Freemasonry goes further then that.  It is a matter of Freemason doctrine that Jesus was not God, and to believe, embrace or trust in Jesus as God, is a human invention.  If it is not Freemason doctrine what is it?  If the divinity of Jesus is a matter of eternal importance, and the soul is lost without it, how shall we understand how a Christian can be a Freemason?  Freemasonry teaches the universality of believing in the God of the worshipper.  It does not matter which God it is.  On the contrary, according to truth, Jesus Christ is Incarnate Deity, and there is salvation in no one else.  The Christian Bible teaches the exclusivity of Jesus Christ.  That is, one must put personal faith in Him alone (Acts 4:12).  Do you suppose it is a novel doctrine from the sacred pages of Holy Writ that Christ is Divine?  No, in fact, this doctrine of Christianity was taught from the very beginning.  It was taught by the Old Testament saints (Isaiah 9:6), God the Father (Hebrews 1), Christ Himself (John 20:28-29) and His apostles (Hebrews 1:8).  What a daring religion to suppose the opposite of what God has revealed in His Word!  How is it that it is not a religion when it has denials Christian beliefs, and has affirmations on matters of religion?  If one turns to the Christian Bible, and correctly understands it by the Spirit of Truth, there will be no need for Freemasonry, but it rejects the Bible as the sole infallible source even though it is strangely and allegedly revered. 

[i] Pike.  pp. 321, 567.
[ii] Pike, p. 13-14.
[iii] Joseph Fort Newton.  The Bible in Masonry, In The Holy Bible, The Great Light in Masonry, Containing the Old and New Testaments.  Masonic ed. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman Co., 1957, p. 5.
[iv] Henry Wilson Coil.  Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia, (New York: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1971), p. 520.
[v] Eighty-One Questions About Freemasonry, Third Printing, (Issued Under Authority of The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, January 1967), p. 24.